27.09.2024 / 00:27 | Aktualizováno: 27.09.2024 / 01:06
There is nothing revolutionary about insemination of dairy cows by beef bulls. Farmers are forced to make a decision on beef or dairy far ahead of monetizing their production. Real revolution in milk and beef production is dual purpose cattle.
01.08.2024 / 18:13 | Aktualizováno: 01.08.2024 / 18:17
We are thrilled to invite you to the 37th World Congress of Internal Medicine (WCIM), hosted by the Czech Society of Internal Medicine of the Czech Medical Society J. E. Purkyně. This prestigious event will take place from October 30 to November…
11.07.2024 / 18:11 | Aktualizováno: 11.07.2024 / 18:34
The government of the Czech Republic has implemented a regulation that grants free access to the Czech labour market for citizens of nine selected countries, including Australia, Japan, Canada, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, United Kingdom,…