Václav Havel Airport Prague - change of Check-in Process in 2020

The number of handled passengers at Václav Havel Airport Prague continues to grow every year and it is our duty to make sure the airport is up to the task by means of a gradual modernization. At the moment, the works on building a more modern and comfortable airport are on the run. An upgrade of the baggage sorting area at Terminal 1 is one of the airport’s long-term development projects. The area will undergo a complete refurbishment and receive new checked baggage security control features as security is among our top priorities.

Which temporary changes to the check-in procedure will be introduced and who will be affected by these changes you can find on following link https://www.prg.aero/en/checkin2020.


Navigation video you can find under following link.


Information leaflet - Check-in 2020 2 MB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Feb 25, 2020