Photo: Czech Mission

„UN4EMPLOYMENT“ side event organized by Youth Delegates

On Monday October 9, the side event called „UN4Employment“ co-organised by the Czech Youth Delegates, Petra Sýkorová and David Ulvr, and Bulgarian, German and Belgian Delegates took place on the premises of the German Mission.

According to the International Labor Organization, 13 % of young people had problems with employment during 2014. Youth Delegates‘ side event brought possible solutions of this phenomenon as it addressed the topic of non-formal education, especially the ways how it can positively affect attractivity for future employer.

The event tackled three areas that enable young people to gain appropriate skills for their career. The first one was the membership in youth organizations and Mr. Raymundo Tamayo spoke regarding this topic. The problematic of internships followed with the speaker from the European Youth Forum, Ms. Mari Stormsvag. Finally, the UNESCO representative Ms. Alina Kirillina presented the positive influence of sports on life values.

Youth Delegates Side Event

Youth Delegates Side Event