Photo: Czech Mission

Prime minister Andrej Babiš spoke during the UN Summit on Biodiversity

Prime minister of the Czech Republic, Andrej Babiš, delivered a video speech during the second dialogue of leaders of the United Nations Summit on Biodiversity, which took place on September 30, 2020 on the margins of the high-level week of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly.

The UN Summit on Biodiversity was attended by the heads of state and government and its main theme was “Urgent Action on Biodiversity for Sustainable Development”. The goal of the summit was to express the highest political support for the global framework for biodiversity after 2020, which should contribute to the implementation of the goals of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and realize the Vision of “Living in harmony with nature”. The post-2020 framework is set to be adopted at the 15th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, which should take place in Chinese Kunming in 2021 (COP 15 CBD).


In his speech, Prime Minister Babiš emphasized that this summit should send a clear message that we take science seriously and that there is no sustainable future unless we duly consider the importance of biodiversity and find effective ways to address both direct and indirect drivers of biodiversity loss. The Czech Republic considers it a scientifically sound approach to adopt a set of indicators agreed by all Parties as crucial elements of this global biodiversity framework that will help us make more informed decisions and take better-targeted actions.

The outcome of the UN Summit on Biodiversity will be a summary of discussions prepared by the President of the 75th UN General Assembly. You can watch all video speeches on UN Web TV or on the webpage of the summit. All text versions are all available in the UN Journal.


Czech Republic - UN Summit on Biodiversity 38 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Oct 2, 2020