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President of ECOSOC M. Chatardová on the future of technology

Joint session of the Economic and Social Council of the UN (ECOSOC) and the Second Committee of the General Assembly of the UN took place on October 11, 2017. The event named “The Future of Everything – Sustainable Development in the Age of Rapid Technological Change” was jointly chaired by the President of ECOSOC, Ambassador M. Chatardová, and chairman of the Second Committee, Ambassador Sven Jurgenson. President of ECOSOC in her speech praised the potential of artificial intelligence in making people’s lives better and in making progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Nevertheless, she also warned against connected human rights and security issues.

Ensuing panel discussion was highlighted by the speech of the Deputy Secretary General of the UN, Amina Mohammed, prominent scientist in artificial intelligence and business representatives. CEO of Hanson Robotics, David Hanson, introduced the most advanced artificial humanoid Sofia, who also participated in the interactive dialogue with member states. The discussions were concerned with benefits and pitfalls of artificial intelligence.

You can watch the interaction of Sofia and the DSG Mohammed below.

ECOSOC - The Future of Everything

ECOSOC - The Future of Everything