Photo: Czech Mission

President of ECOSOC and the UN Deputy Secretary General hosted briefing about the reform of the United Nations Development System

The ECOSOC briefing was held on October 6th in New York to discuss the reform of the United Nations Development System (UNDS). H.E. Mrs. Marie Chatardová chaired the meeting and emphasized that the ECOSOC provides the Member States with an opportunity to engage with the UNDS reform. She also commended the ongoing transparent and inclusive process, led by the Deputy Secretary-General Ms. Amina Mohammed (DSG), in order to ensure that the views of the Member States remain at the center of the proposals.

The DSG briefed the ECOSOC Member States about the progress of the UNDS reform that Secretary General outlined in June this year. In her speech, she mentioned some specific parameters of the reform, among others, the role of Resident Coordinators and the United Nations Country Teams (UNCT), respect for national priorities and national ownership, sustainable funding arrangements, and accountability across the UNDS. The next briefing about the future reform is scheduled for early November, and the final report should be released in December 2017.

ECOSOC and DSG - Reform of the UN Development System

ECOSOC and DSG - Reform of the UN Development System