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President of ECOSOC, Ambassador M. Chatardová, spoke during the Ministerial concentration of the International Organization of la Francophonie (IOF)

IOF organized a Ministerial concertation on January 31 in New York during the ECOSOC Youth Forum. It was an occasion to gather Ministers of Youth of IOF member states to discuss youth policies in the Francophone countries, as our organization is currently conducting a survey on these policies and their implementation.

The event was a good occasion to tackle one of the main objectives of the ECOSOC Youth Forum, namely Objective 2 “Share knowledge on achieving youth development by promoting the implementation, monitoring, follow up and review of the 2030 Agenda, and the participation of young people in policy-making and implementation in this regard”.

Speech of Ambassador Chatardová is available below (French).


ECOSOC President Statement - IOF 179 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Feb 3, 2018