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President of ECOSOC, Ambassador Chatardová, visited Shanghai for a high-level meeting on science, technology and innovation

President of the Economic and Social Council of the UN (ECOSOC), Ambassador Marie Chatardová, visited China for a high-level meeting on science, technology and innovation, which took place between December 4 and December 7, 2017 in Shanghai, China. The high-level study visit to China on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs is a forum within the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM) as a part of Agenda 2030. Ambassador Chatardová opened the entire session with her remarks.

The TFM was launched together with Agenda 2030 and it seeks to mobilize collaboration around science, technology and innovation among all governments, private sector and civil society in order to achieve the SDGs. This high-level meeting was attended by the Under-Secretary General of Economic and Social Affairs, Mr. Liu Zhenmin, Vice Minister of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Xu Nanping and representatives of Shanghai City. All participants gathered in support of the Green Technology Bank (GTB), as an important and innovative initiative to implement the Agenda 2030 and to facilitate technology transfers between countries.

Science, Technology and Innovation Meeting in Shanghai

Science, Technology and Innovation Meeting in Shanghai