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Czech Republic during the general debate of the 72nd General Assembly of the United Nations

President of the Czech Republic, H.E. Mr. Miloš Zeman, visited New York between September 17 and September 20, 2017 to participate in the general debate of the 72nd General Assembly of the UN. President Zeman presented his speech on more decisive fight against terrorism in the opening segment of the general debate on September 19.

During his stay in New York, he also held bilateral talks with the Secretary General of the UN, A. Guterres, president of the General Assembly, M. Lajčák, the chief of a newly established UN Office of Counter-Terrorism, V. Vorkonkov, and president of the Republic of Korea, Moon Jae-in. Mr. Zeman also took part in the traditional reception with the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump and met with the Czech expat community at the Bohemian National Hall. During an evening gala event organized in his honor, the president was awarded a Jewish prize The Algemeiner.

Head of the delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ivo Šrámek, among other things took part in the meeting organized by the President of the United States, D. Trump, to support the reforms of the UN being prepared by the Secretary General Guterres. Mr. Šrámek also participated in the talks of the ministers of foreign affairs of the European Union in the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) regarding Libya and attended the summit organized the president of France, E. Macron, discussing the global pact for environment.

President Zeman meeting the Secretary General Guterres

President Zeman meeting the Secretary General Guterres

Deputy Minister Sramek during an ICC meeting

Deputy Minister Sramek during an ICC meeting