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Czech Republic chaired the Coordination and Management Meeting of ECOSOC

Permanent representative of the Czech Republic to the UN, Ambassador Marie Chatardová, chaired the Coordination and Management Meeting of Economic and Social Council in New York from 7 to 8 of June 2017.

During its coordination segment, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) adopted seven resolutions and four decisions including ones on sustainable development goals, prevention and control of on non-communicable diseases, Africa’s development, empowerment of women, and promoting the rights of persons with disabilities.

In most cases the Council decided to adopt framework documents without a vote. As a co-sponsoring country, the Czech Republic has been actively involved in financing the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. The Council called on national governments, private sector, regional development banks and other donors to strengthen the international cooperation and development assistance to support capacity building efforts and the responsive mechanisms to prevent and control communicable diseases in developing countries.

The Council also adopted, by a recorded vote of 22 in favor to 2 against (Australia, United States) with 17 abstentions, a draft resolution recommended to it by the Commission on the Status of Women titled “Situation of and assistance to Palestinian women”. By its terms, the Council urged the international community to continue to give special attention to the promotion and protection of the human rights of Palestinian women and girls.

The Coordination and Management meeting serves to review reports of Council’s subsidiary and expert bodies, and coordination and review of specific development issues with the aim to promote more integrated response to specific areas which are on the agenda of ECOSOC. Next coordination meeting will be held on 6 and 7 July 2017 in New York.

ECOSOC Coordination Meeting

ECOSOC Coordination Meeting

ECOSOC Coordination Meeting

ECOSOC Coordination Meeting