Photo: Zastupitelský úřad v Ulánbátaru

Official visit of the President of the Senate Jaroslav Kubera with a business mission to Mongolia

Date: 29 September 2019 - 03 October 2019

On September 29 - October 2, 2019, a delegation of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic led by President Jaroslav Kubera and representatives of Czech companies visited Mongolia for an official visit. The members of the delegation included Vice-President of the Senate Jiří Oberfalzer, Senator Alena Šromová, Senator Jiří Vosecký and Senator Karel Kratochvíle, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Eva Zažímalová, Vice President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce Bořivoj Minář Prague Zoo Miroslav Bobek.

On first day of visit, Jaroslav Kubera talked to Mongolian President Khaltmaa Battulga and Chairman of Mongolian State Great Khural Gomozavand Zandanshatar. He attended a working lunch with members of the Parliamentary Group of Friends of the Czech Republic, headed by Khishgee Nyambaatar, and visited the largest Mongolian manufacturer of cashmere clothing brands Gobi, Goyo and Yama. He gaeve an interview to Udriin Sonin and attened a gala dinner hosted by the President of the State Great Khural at Ikh Tenger.

The next day, the program continued with negotiations with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Batmunkh Batsetseg and Minister of Health Davaajantsan Sarangerel, who chairs the Czech-Mongolian Joint Committee for Economic Cooperation. In the afternoon, Jaroslav Kubera opened a business forum at the headquarters of the Mongolia Economic Chamber. On this occasion, the Czech Export Support Center officialy opened and individual business meetings of Czech and Mongolian companies in the areas of infrastructure, energy, agriculture, mining, legal and insurance services and logistics will take place. A representative of Czech companies received the Mayor of Ulaanbaatar Sainbuyan Amarsaikhan to acquaint them with the city's development strategy and the most important projects under preparation. In addition to business talks, there was also a meeting of Eva Zažímalová, Chair of the Academy of Sciences, with her Mongolian counterpart Regdel Duger and directors of the various institutes of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences.

In the presence of Jaroslav Kubera, the opening of the exhibition of photographs for the project "Return of Wild Horses" opened in the building of Fresh Water Resources and Nature Conservation Center. Their author and the director of the Prague Zoo Miroslav Bobek presented the exhibition, which is open to the Mongolian public for two weeks free of charge, personally. In the evening, the President of the Senate met with representatives of Mongolian graduates of Czech universities, important Mongolian entrepreneurs and bohemists who have been active in the session for a long time.

At the end of its visit on Wednesday, October 3, the Senate delegation visited Terelj National Park and a new international airport in Ulaanbaatar, where it negotiated with the management of the Mongolian Ministry of Transport on upcoming general aviation development projects.




Oficiální návštěva předsedy Senátu Jaroslava Kubery v Mongolsku