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Renewal of VFS Global services for Czechia and represented countries

Obnovení služeb VFS Global pro Česko a zastupované země

The Consulate of the Czech Republic in Ulaanbaatar is informing the public that from 25th April 2022 the VFS Global visa services have been fully resumed for Czechia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland. Applicants shall submit… more ►

End of entry restrictions to Czechia

Zrušení ochranného opatření v Čechách

Entry restrictions to Czechia have been lifted on the 9th of April 2022. Negative PCR Test, vaccination or entry form are no longer required. For more information regarding the renewal of Schengen visa procedure please call +976 11 311 053. more ►

Award ceremony held for winners of Transition Program initiative

Předání cen vítězům úspěšného projektu v rámci  iniciativy “Transition programme”

On December 28, 2021, the award ceremony was held for the five teams of youth NGOs for active participation in the "All for Youth, Youth for All" project in Mongolia. During the ceremony organized by the European Union Delegation in Ulaanbaatar,… more ►

Czech Baking Technology introduced in Mongolia with success

Česká pekařská technologie slaví úspěch v Mongolsku

Altan Taria, a Mongolian company. commenced operation of a bakery line for the production of pastries utilizing Czech technology in Ulaanbaatar. Ambassador of the Czech Republic Jiří Brodský attended the opening ceremony. more ►

Prague Zoo awards Director of Gobi B

Прага хотын Амьтны хүрээлэнгийн захирал Мирослав Бобек Том Рихард шагналыг Монгол Улсаас БНЧУ-д суугаа элчин сайд Дамдины Гансүхэд хүлээлгэн өгч байгаа нь

The Great Richard award, the most prestigious award of the Prague Zoo, was presented this year to B.Ganbaatar, the director of the Gobi B Strictly Protected Area, for his significant contribution to the rescue of Przewalski’s horses and… more ►

Alois Nebel film screened

Promítání filmu Alois Nebel

The Czech Embassy in Ulaanbaatar, in cooperation with the Altan Khalis Film Festival, screened the Czech animated film Alois Nebel, which was recognized as the best European animated film in 2012, in the cultural hall of Citi University of… more ►