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Handover of the award of the International Art Exhibition Lidice

On December 17, 2020, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Mongolia Jiří Brodský presented an honorable mention to eight-year-old Amin-Erdene Davaanyam from the Ulaanbaatar school Mongeni Complex for her drawing on the theme "Landscape" in the 48th Lidice 2020 international art competition.

This year, 1,617 individuals and schools from 78 countries took part in the competition and submitted a total of 22,216 art / film works. This time 18 entries came from Mongolia and the eight-year-old Amin-Erdene was the only winner in the demanding international competition.

The handover took place on the premises of the Embassy of the Czech Republic with the participation of the parents and sister of the winnner. The ambassador recalled the annual high participation of Mongolian schools and informed about the topic of the 49th year, which is robot / artificial intelligence. He handed the family small gift items, including special crayons from Preciosa, and expressed the hope that Amin-Erdene would continue to paint and be able to visit the Czech Republic with his parents in the future.

Candidates who would like to participate in the 49th year of the competition can find all the details at this link:

​Drawing by Amin-Erdene D., 8 years old, "Landscape"

​Drawing by Amin-Erdene D., 8 years old, "Landscape"



49. ročník mezinárodní soutěže Lidice 642 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Nov 20, 2020