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COVID-19: Traveling to the Czech Republic

vlajka ČR ilustrační

As from July 12, 2021, Canada is considered a country with a low risk of COVID-19 transmission (green country). Canadian citizens may enter the Czech Republic for any reason (return to home, tourism, travel to work or for study, family visit,… more ►

Broadway Palace - Unique Investment Opportunity

Broadway Palace

ÚZSVM (Office for Government Representation in Property Affairs) offers the Broadway Palace for sale in an electronic auction. The new owner will not only get large office space right in the center of Prague, but also a unique building… more ►

InnoV4ate with Central Eastern Europe

We would like to invite to take the opportunity to join online event Innov4ate with Central Eastern Europe. Explore the business and innovation in the region and have a chance to meet with partners both from Canada and Europe. More details… more ►

Notice on resumption of regularly scheduled hours for public

We are pleased to inform you that as of Februry 22, 2021, the consular section of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic has resumed full operations with several restrictions put in place. It is necessary to arrange an appointment for… more ►

Congratulations to Mrs. Vera Schiff

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette announced new appointments to the Order of Canada. Mrs. Vera Schiff who was born in Prague, received the Order of Canada for her illustrious career as an author, historian and public speaker… more ►

Invitation to our online Czech National Day celebration


We would like to cordially invite you to our online celebration of this year’s Czech National Day in Canada. We greatly appreciate how many special guests have accepted our invitation to be part of the event, which is dedicated to all who… more ►

Czech Republic Alumni Focus Group

Calling all former international students of Czech universities! The Czech Republic is launching a new alumni programme connecting all international students who have studied at Czech higher education institutions. more ►

Notice on resumption of regularly scheduled hours for public

We are pleased to inform you that the consular section of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic has resumed full operations with several restrictions put in place. Due to the suspension/limited operations during the last several months,… more ►

Czech That Film 2020 is moving to the virtual world!

Dear friends of Czech cinema, at this time of the year we usually present Czech movies at the Czech That Film festival, jointly organized by Czech Centres and Ministry of Foreign affairs of the Czech Republic. Since we can not invite you to the… more ►