Consul General Počuch gave a lecture to the non-governmental organization NATO Association Canada

As part of established long term cooperation, a meeting of representatives of the NATO Association of Canada led by its President, Robert Baines, was held at the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Toronto. At the meeting Consul General I. Počuch gave a lecture discussing the current security issues in Europe and the significance of NATO membership for countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

The NATO Association of Canada is a non-governmental, non-profit organization aimed at raising public awareness and spreading information about NATO activities as well as all aspects of the commitments arising from Canadian membership in this organization. The association also established cooperation with the NATO Information Center in Prague in September, 2018.

The objective  of the meeting was to increase  the awareness  and knowledge of the importance of the Czech Republic membership in NATO and the degree of the country´s  involvement in the alliance´s activities, programs, projects and missions. Consul General Počuch also discussed the context of preparations for joining NATO in the second half of the 1990‘s and the difficult early stages of full membership, which coincided (March 1999) with the very first decision to deploy NATO troops since the alliance´s inception in 1949.

In addition, he highlighted the shifts in strategic environment since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the abilities of the Alliance to adapt to these changes in an efficient and flexible manner.  In the discussion that followed, the guests were interested specifically in the current situation in Europe and the abilities of member states to successfully deal with the latest challenges such as cyber attacks and hybrid threats.

There was a general consenus that for both countries NATO membership is the foundation for ensuring security and the keystone of Europe - Norh America political and security ties.

Consul General Počuch gave a lecture to the non-governmental organization NATO Association Canada