Photo: Branch office in Jerusalem

Branch Office in Jerusalem


Branch Office of the Czech Embassy in Tel Aviv

George Washington 6  (the entrance is located near the YMCA)


Telephone: 052 473 0015

The office can be visited in person from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00 but only by prior appointment.

Requests for official verification of copies of documents or verification of a signature can be performed at the branch. The opening hours for these consular activities are Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 14:00.

In order to arrange an appointment applicants are kindly requested to contact the office via the email address:

Please note: Visa, passport and, other consular services (such as issuing birth, marriage certificates, criminal record checks, Czech POINT services etc.) are only provided at the consular section of the Embassy in Tel Aviv.



Pavel Bobek

Counsellor of Embassy

Petr Benda

Administrative Assistant