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Embassy tour with the winners of 'A Day with Ambassador' program

On May 24, we had the pleasure of hosting two winners for the 'A Day with Ambassador' project.

The winners toured the embassy, learning about each department's roles and responsibilities. Our colleagues, including the deputy head of mission and teams from the consular, economic, and public diplomacy sections, shared their expertise and experiences.

They also met our ambassador, discussed career aspirations, and asked insightful questions about the life of an ambassador. After the meeting, they received diplomas and gifts from Czechia.

Having a conversation with the winners on their future career plans, our colleagues were genuinely impressed by their enthusiasm and curiosity! We hope this opportunity was as valuable and enlightening as we aimed it to be.

The winners had a briefing session with representatives of each department in the embassy.

The winners had a briefing session with representatives of each department in the embassy.

The winners took a group photo with the Embassy staff and with their diplomas.

The winners took a group photo with the Embassy staff and with their diplomas.