Na Maltě se konala akce na podporu české kultury a obchodu
25.09.2024 / 13:25 | Aktualizováno: 25.09.2024 / 13:33
Dne 18. září se ve Vallettě uskutečnila tisková konference v rámci EUNIC Film Festival za účasti maltského ministra kultury Owena Bonniciho, honorárního konzula České republiky Johna de Giorgio, ředitele Českého centra Řím Roberta Mikoláše a vedoucího obchodního oddělení Petra Havlíka z Velvyslanectví České republiky v Římě.
Filmový festival, jehož hlavním tématem je „United in Diversity“, bude promítat také český film „Tancuj, Matyldo“. Dne 18. září se rovněž v divadle Teatru Manoel uskutečnil koncert Trio Incendio se skladbami Ference Liszta, Bohuslava Martinů a Antonína Dvořáka. Za obdivuhodný koncertní výkon byli mladí čeští umělci odměněni vřelými ovacemi. Koncert se uskutečnil za přítomnosti mnoha velvyslanců, podnikatelů, honorárního konzula České republiky na Maltě Johna de Giorgio, ředitele Centro Ceco Roma Roberta Mikoláše a vedoucího obchodního oddělení Velvyslanectví České republiky v Římě Petra Havlíka.
Petr Havlík se v rámci akce setkal představiteli Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry (Christopher Vasssallo Cesareo – President, Helga Mizzi – International Relations Advisor) a TradeMalta (Richard Scerri – Head trade Promotion). Maltské strana má zájem o rozšíření vzájemného obchodu. Více na:
Níže uvádíme představení Maltské obchodní, podnikatelské a průmyslové komory:
Feature by the President of The Malta Chamber to the Czech business community
It is pleasure for me to address members of the Czech business community through the opportunity given to me by the Embassy of Czechia to Malta.
I wish to use this space to expand on the role and relevance of The Malta Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Our history is in itself a very telling attestation of The Malta Chamber’s unwavering relevance in the Maltese business context.
The Malta Chamber was established as a voluntary constituted body and officially recognised in 1848. It is the largest, longest-standing Chamber in Malta.
Since then, it has evolved with, and accompanied, the Maltese business community over the span of 176 years. We operate independently from government or the public sector, with voluntary membership.
Nowadays, The Malta Chamber is the only national chamber recognised by the Laws of Malta through the Commercial Code, representing 75% of the country’s industrial exports and 80% of employment in the private sector.
Very importantly, The Malta Chamber represents both commerce and industry since 2009 when the Federation of Industry and the Chamber of Commerce merged to form the present entity.
The international aspect of our work is surely of particular interest to the Czech business community.
To begin with, we have an International Relations Department which supports all initiatives related to diplomatic exchanges and supports business on internationalisation efforts. Our in-house structures include three Business Councils with individual countries that operate as an integral part of The Malta Chamber.
The Malta Chamber represents and safeguards Malta’s private sectors interests in the prominent Eurochambres and Business Europe frameworks and is also member of the International Chamber of Commerce.
At the members’ level, we support businesses exploring and entering foreign markets, promoting international trade relationships, and fostering a global business outlook in their plans and projections.
The Malta Chamber works along the conviction that internationalisation is a critical aspect of modern business strategy. We play a pivotal role in supporting local businesses to succeed in the global marketplace, navigate the complexities of international trade and unlock new opportunities for growth and expansion.
There are clearly several commonalities and shared interests that our business communities can explore and take forward, together. I invite Czech entrepreneurs to come forward with ideas and initiatives and look forward to engaging more closely for tangible results and mutual benefits.
Chris Vassallo Cesareo
The Malta Chamber
Ms. Helga Mizzi
International Relations Advisor
Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry
The Exchange Buildings, Republic Street, Valletta VLT 1117, Malta
Tel: (+356) 2203 2300 EXT 312 ,
Mob: (+356) 99217092
Zájemci o spolupráci s Maltou se mohou o bližší informace rovněž obracet na ekonomické oddělení Velvyslanectví ČR v Itálii, email:
Petr Havlík, ekonomický diplomat, Andrea Nimmerfrohová, ekonomický specialista, Velvyslanectví ČR v Římě
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