Czech Streetcars
in Tacoma, Washington
President Klaus
Accepts Distinguished Leader Award
Message from
the Ambassador and AFoCR President
News in Brief
One Year After
the Floods, AFoCR Fund Helps Patch Up the Nation
Former European
Leaders Call for Support of Cuban Opposition
PM Spidla Receives
a Warm Welcome in Texas
CR Opens Consul
Office in Kansas City
New Head of CzechInvest
in Silicon Valley
Alan Becker and
George Novak Promoted to Honorary Consul General
Learning Czech in Dobruska
Honorary Consulate
General in Philadelphia Announ! ces New Web Site
Czech Streetcars
in Tacoma, Washington
The Czech consortium
Skoda-Inekon has become quite popular with U.S. streetcar systems in recent
years. The city of Portland, Oregon purchased seven of the Skoda streetcar
models in 2001. In an interview with "The Columbian," Portland Streetcar
maintenance director Gary Cooper called the Skoda streetcars "phenomenally
reliable." The streetcars are manufactured in the Czech Republic by Skoda
and delivered by the Czech trading company Inekon group. The vehicles are
known to the industry as "the Portland car."
The city of Tacoma,
Washington is now following suit, with the purchase of three Skoda streetcars,
bringing a European touch to Tacoma�s rail system. The quiet, state of the
art streetcars, unveiled in a ceremony on August 22, 2003, will operate the
1.6 mile Tacoma Link connecting the Tacoma Dome Intermodal Transportation
Center and the Broadway Theater District.
Congre! ssman
Norman Dicks spoke at the inaugural ceremony of the new Tacoma Link Light
Rail system, where he introduced Mr. Cliff Fornier, the oldest living street
car operator from Tacoma�s original Street Car system, decomissioned 65 years
ago. The official opening ceremony was also attended by Mr. Jiri Kulis, Commercial
Counselor of the Czech Embassy in Washington, DC, and Mr. Josef Husek, Skoda-Inekon�s
Both Portland
and Tacoma are looking to expand their streetcar systems with the purchase
of 10 Skoda streetcars over the next two years. In addition, other U.S. cities
are watching the Czech cars in Tacoma and Portland in consideration for future
rail expansion projects that would reduce heavy bus and automobile traffic.
Klaus Accepts Distinguished Leader Award
Czech President
Vaclav Klaus arrived in the United States on September 18 for a five-day visit
to Tennessee and Texas. National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) recognized!
President Klaus with the Distinguished Leader Award, which was presented to
him in Dallas, Texas, where he was invited to speak at the NCPA�s Sumner Distinguished
Lecture Series. The presentation of the NCPA award was the key event of President
Klaus�s visit to the United States.
Vaclav Klaus
began his trip in Chattanooga, Tennessee where he attended the annual Mont
Pelerin Society conference and spoke at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga,
College of Business. As reported in "The Chattanoogan," the Mont
Pelerin Society conference is comprised of the world�s top liberal scholars,
who gathered in Tennessee to analyze the prospects for freedom, entrepreneurship,
and prosperity in the 21st century. President Klaus discussed the economic
and political challenges facing countries in Central and Eastern Europe and
reflected on the development of the Czech Republic since the fall of communism
in 1989. He expressed concern with the gap between the exp! ectations set
on a transitioning country with the reality of what can be accomplished, stating
that "it can lead to real problems for a country in flux" (The Chattanoogan).
The President praised the Czech Republic for overcoming such problems and
ushering in successful political and economic transformation.
Following his
visit to Chattanooga, President Klaus flew to Dallas. In an interview with
the Dallas Morning News editorial board, he spoke of the Czech Republic�s
military support of the American mission in Iraq, saying : "we consider
the human suffering as the crucial thing which must be overcome." He
also discussed the recent referendum, in which 77% of the Czech population
voted for stepping into the European Union. President Klaus expressed his
views on European integration and the EU Constitution, and remarked on the
strength of the Czech Republic�s liberal, free market economy.
On the evening
of September 22, President Klaus was besto! wed with the Distinguished Leader
Award at the NCPA Distinguished Lecture Series. In the spirit of welcome,
Governor Rick Perry also presented President Klaus as an honorary citizen
of Texas. President George W. Bush sent his congratulations to the participants
of the conference, applauding Vaclav Klaus "for his leadership and his
support of free market principles." In the letter, President Bush referred
to the Czech Republic as an important ally in the war on terrorism and in
stabilizing the Middle East. Bush added that the Czech Republic stands as
a model example of the power freedom has to change lives, and that the U.S.
is proud to stand alongside such a nation in "continuing to work for
peace and liberty around the world." The U.S. President also commended
the NCPA�s commitment to liberty.
President Klaus
returned to Prague after his whirlwind trip to the USA on September 24.
Message from
the Ambassador and AFoCR President
few weeks ago, the winds of Hurricane Isabel reminded us of the summer of
2002 when the flooded Vltava River tested the fortitude of Prague and Bohemia.
Since then, one
year has passed, and now it is time to examine the results of the "Prague-Needs-Help
Flood Relief Fund," our joint flood relief project. The article on flood
relief in this issue provides the facts and figures concerning the funds raised
and what we accomplished. The Relief Fund developed through a partnership
between American Friends of the Czech Republic and the Czech Embassy in Washington.
With help from the U.S. Embassy and the American Chamber of Commerce in Prague,
projects to directly assist the people and to rebuild facilities were initiated.
Churches, museums, hospitals, schools, and housing areas received building
materials, medical supplies, computers and other equipment. The effort mounted
by the Embassy and AFoCR was unprecedented. We can take pride in the fundraising
effort of last ! fall inspired by many Americans, and the dedicated team of
Embassy staff and AFoCR volunteers who directed donations to much-needed projects,
bringing relief to many Czechs.
AFoCR now undertakes
yet another humanitarian mission, this time partnering with Kraft Foods, to
support a food bank project operated by the "Nadeje" Foundation
in the Czech Republic.
One year ago,
AFoCR played a key role, together with the Czech Embassy, in erecting the
statue of T. G. Masaryk, the founder and the first President of modern Czechoslovakia,
in Washington. Since then, we have taken up different projects that will benefit
both the Czech Republic and the United States. Our goal for the future is
to enhance what we call the "transatlantic link," to further develop
relations between the two countries on governmental level, and to put even
more emphasis on people-to-people contacts. We are convinced that our commitment
and hard work will bring forth a fruitful future. The go! als which we have
set ahead of us will be achieved.
News in Brief
Skoda Auto
Chief Talking to Kazakh President About New Plant
Skoda Auto has
been negotiating with Kazakhstan's government about building a car production
plant in that central Asian country. The talks between Skoda Chairman Vratislav
Kulhanek and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev come as the company faces
new customs duties that could lock its cars out of the Russian market. In
addition to its three main plants in the Czech Republic, the company operates
assembly plants in India, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Ukraine.
Czech Premier
in Egypt
Visiting Czech
Premier Vladimir Spidla, on a three-day official visit to Egypt, met on September
8 with President Hosni Mubarak and with his Egyptian counterpart, Atef Mohammad
Ebeid. Spidla told accompanying Czech journalists that he had discussed with
Mubarak the latest developments in th! e Middle East and possibilities for
expanding Czech-Egyptian cooperation. He said there is a "considerable
identity of views" between himself and Mubarak on the situation created
by the resignation of Palestinian Premier Mahmoud Abbas. Ebeid told journalists
after meeting with Spidla that they are both convinced the Middle East crisis
can be solved by peaceful means and a lasting peace can be attained. Spidla
said his country was ready to become more involved in asserting the EU's role
in the search for a peaceful solution. Spidla, who is accompanied by a large
delegation, also opened a forum of Czech and Egyptian businesspeople.
Jan Kavan
Ends Czech Presidency of UN General Assembly
Former foreign
minister Jan Kavan is ending his term as president of the United Nations General
Assembly. Mr Kavan will hand over the presidency to the island of Saint Lucia.
He remains an MP for the ruling Social Democrats, and has expressed interest
in ! standing for the European Parliament.
Relations Best in History
relations are the best in history, President Vaclav Klaus told journalists
in Passau where he arrived for an international conference about the future
of the EU on September 17.
Klaus stressed
that the Czech Republic had no alternative but EU membership.
Appointed Justice Minister
President Vaclav
Klaus appointed lawyer Karel Cermak to the post of justice minister. On taking
office minister Cermak said his goal was to increase the level of understanding
and cooperation between parliament, the government and the judiciary because
without it there could be no progress. The minister said he was committed
to carrying out the reforms initiated by his predecessor Pavel Rychetsky,
who left the post in the summer to become a judge of the Constitutional Court.
Karel Cermak is not party affiliated! and his appointment has received broad
political support.
Dalai Lama
to Visit Prague at Havel's Invitation
The Tibetan spiritual
leader Dalai Lama will meet ex-president Vaclav Havel, attend a meeting of
world religions' representatives and an international conference of groups
supporting Tibet during his visit to Prague in the second half of October
to be held at Havel's invitation.
The conference,
scheduled for October 19, will be attended by representatives of more than
250 groups from all over the world.
One Year After
Floods, AFoCR Fund Helps Patch Up the Nation
Following the
destructive floods of 2002, which caused severe damage in Prague, as well
as in numerous other cities and towns across the Czech Republic, the American
Friends of the Czech Republic launched an initiative to provide aid for disease
prevention and reconstruction throughout the country. The AFoCR�s "Prague-Needs-Help"
Fun! d enabled hundreds of American corporations and individuals to donate
much-needed funds for recovery projects. The Fund was established with the
support and advice of the Czech Embassy in Washington. Using AFoCR�s website,
a high-tech electronic pledge system, and the organization�s network of contacts
in the U.S., AFoCR succeeded in reaching out to Americans from coast to coast.
Contributions from concerned Americans and corporations ranged from $5 to
$50,000. A total of 330 000 dollars was raised. The larger contributions came
from U.S. companies with business ties in the Czech Republic, notable individuals
in the U.S. industry, and prominent Czech-American organizations.
The initial relief
funds from AFoCR were used to curb the spread of disease as a result of contaminated
water supplies. Medical supplies were provided with the help of AmeriCares,
a non profit relief organization. Upon the recommendation of U.S. Embassy
officials in Prague, direct emer! gency grants were made to facilitate cleanup
and reconstruction in cities most devastated by the floods, including Ceske
Budejovice, Decin, Melnik, Pilsen, Pisek, Pribram, and Usti nad Labem.
Once immediate
dangers were dealt with, the Fund moved to support specific projects chosen
by the AFoCR with significant counsel from the U.S. and Czech Embassies, the
American Chamber of Commerce in Prague and Czech NGOs. The projects included
the rebuilding of public facilities, the restoration of cultural and historic
sites and artifacts, and the provision of housing. Medical facilities, educational
facilities, replacement housing units, and historic facilities were all encompassed
in projects funded by AFoCR. At the same time, the American Chamber of Commerce
(AMCHAM) in Prague played a key role in the fundraising and supported the
recovery of the Kralupy hospital.
Grants were provided
for the reconstruction of the clinic at Stechovice, the math and physics lib!
rary at Charles University, the national memorial and museum at Terezin, elementary
schools in Pisek and Ceske Budejovice, vocational schools, the Jewish Museum
in Prague, the Bohemian Museum at Roztoky, and Salvator Church and several
synagogues in Prague.
Asked whether
he would do it all again, former AfoCR President Milt Cerny answered simply,
"Absolutely - this was the best way to bond with the Czech people in
a very special way and AfoCR was in the best position to make it happen."
Former European
Leaders Call for Support of Cuban Opposition
In a letter published
in newspapers across Europe and the United States, three former leaders of
post-communist Central Europe spoke vehemently of the need for democratic
nations to aid Cuban citizens now and in the future. Former Czech president
Vaclav Havel, along with Lech Walesa of Poland and Arpad Goncz of Hungary,
challenged the scope and effectiveness of current European and U.S. policy
toward C! uba. The leaders fear that intensified political persecution by
Castro�s regime may hamper the democratic movement in Cuba. Political dissidents
need to be supported in order that the vision of a democratic future can be
more than just a dream. Havel, Walesa and Goncz called for the establishment
of a democracy fund that would put Cuban opposition at a financial advantage
if and when a political transformation occurs. The letter was published exactly
six months after the imprisonment of 75 representatives of several pro-democracy
movements by Fidel Castro�s repressive government.
The following
is the letter written by three former presidents:
a Free Cuba
By Vaclav Havel,
Arpad Goncz and Lech Walesa as published in the Washington Post on September
18, 2003
Exactly half
a year ago, Fidel Castro's regime imprisoned 75 representatives of the Cuban
opposition. More than 40 coordinators of the Varela Project and more than!
20 journalists and other representatives of various pro-democracy movements
landed in jail. All of them were sentenced in mock trials to prison terms
ranging from six to 28 years � merely for daring to express an opinion than
the official one.
Yet the voices
of free-thinking Cubans are growing louder, and that is precisely what Castro
and his government must be worried about. Despite the omnipresent secret police
and government propaganda, thousands of Cubans have demonstrated their courage
by signing petitions backing Project Varela, which is based on provisions
of the current Cuban constitution and calls for holding a referendum on freedom
of speech and assembly, the release of political prisoners, freedom of enterprise
and free elections. The Castro regime's response to Project Varela and to
other initiatives has been at best disregard and at worst persecution.
The latest wave
of confrontations, accompanied by anti-European diatribes from the Cuban p!
olitical leadership, can be regarded as nothing other than an expression of
weakness and desperation. The regime is running short of breath � just as
the party rulers in the Iron Curtain countries did at the end of the 1980s.
The internal opposition is growing in strength � even the police raids in
March failed to bring it to its knees. Times are changing, the revolution
is aging together with its leaders, and the regime is nervous. Castro knows
only too well that there will come a day when the revolution will perish with
Nobody knows
what will happen then. But when that time comes, the clearer it is across
the world that freedom, democracy and prosperity in that country depend on
support for its dissidents, the better the chances for a future peaceful transition
to democracy.
It is the responsibility
of the democratic world to support representatives of the Cuban opposition,
regardless of how long the Cuban Stalinists cling to power. The C! uban opposition
must have the same international support as did the representatives of political
dissent in Europe when it stood divided. Statements of condemnation for the
government's repression, combined with specific diplomatic steps coming from
Europe, Latin America and the United States, would be suitable means of exerting
pressure on the regime in Cuba.
It cannot be
claimed that the U.S. embargo on Cuba has brought about the results desired.
Neither can this be said of the European policy, which has been considerably
more forthcoming toward the Cuban regime. It is time to put aside transatlantic
disputes about the embargo on Cuba and to concentrate on direct support for
Cuban dissidents, prisoners of conscience and their families. Europe ought
to make it unambiguously clear that Castro is a dictator, and that for democratic
countries a dictatorship cannot become a partner until it begins a process
of political liberalization.
At the same time,
Euro! pean countries should establish a "Cuban Democracy Fund" to
support the emergence of a civil society in Cuba. Such a fund would be ready
for instant use in case of political changes on the island.
The recent European
experience with peaceful transitions from dictatorship to democracy, be it
earlier in Spain or later in the countries of Central Europe, has been an
inspiration for the Cuban opposition. Europe in particular should not hesitate.
It is obliged to act by its own history.
PM Spidla
Receives a Warm Welcome in Texas
During his summer
trip to the US, Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla visited the state of Texas,
where he had a busy schedule. During his presence in Houston, he attended
a gala reception held in his honor. Prior to making the trip down south, the
Prime Minister met with President George W. Bush in Washington, DC earlier
in the week. In coming to Houston, the Czech government hoped to improve economic
relations by enhancing tra! de between the United States and the Czech Republic.
Prime Minister Spidla hoped to encourage trade and investment in biotech,
high-tech, and petrochemical power industries between Houston and Czech companies,
seeking to form business relationships with Houston-based firms.
Aside from the
business aspect of the trip, Prime Minister Spidla and the Czech delegation
were excited to meet with Texans of Czech descent at the reception. Raymond
J. Snokhous, the Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic, and his wife Clarice
Marik Snokhous, hosted the festivities at the Athletic/Alumni Center on the
University of Houston campus. Prime Minister Spidla was touched by the turnout
and impressed by the Texan Czechs� dedication to their heritage. He especially
enjoyed the Czech Folk dancers and lightened the mood of the event when he
joined them to do the "Chicken dance," along with his wife and Ambassador
Palous. In speaking to everyone attending the reception, the Prime minis!
ter remarked, "I am happy to see you active in preserving Czech and Moravian is something very touching for all of us. I wish to express
my deep emotion and gratitude" (The West News). Both the U.S. and Czech
Republic national anthems were sung at the reception. In addition to the dancing,
singing and accordion music were provided by Chris Rybak of Halletsville.
The Czech delegation wore authentic cowboy hats that were given to them the
night before. All who attended the festivities were grateful to Raymond and
Clarice Snokhous for their excellent work in organizing the reception.
During his stay
in Texas, the prime minister also toured the Port of Houston, visited the
Czech Cultural Center in Houston and he met with Mayor Lee Brown and with
members of the Greater Houston Partnership of the Chamber of Commerce and
CR Opens Consul
Office in Kansas City
The Czech Ambassador
to the United States, Dr. Martin Palous, announced ! the appointment of Ms.
Sharon Valasek as honorary consul for the Midwest on September 26, 2003. Ms.
Valasek is a business professional and consultant for Black & Veatch Solutions
Group, Inc. The official installation events took place from September 24-26
and included a visit by Ambassador Palous and other dignitaries from the consular
corps, local governments, and business leaders. Ambassador Palous� itinerary
included an address at the World Trade Center of Kansas City, a radio interview
with KCUR Public Radio, and an official welcoming by the Mayor of Kansas City.
Ambassador Palous spoke at a Rotary International luncheon with Missouri governor
Bob Holden. During his stay in Missouri, he also visited the Harry S. Truman
Presidential Library and Museum.
As honorary consul
for the U.S. Midwest region, Sharon Valasek�s primary role will be to facilitate
and support local relationship-building initiatives between the Czech Republic
and the United States! in order to further cultural, educational, political,
and business exchange. As one of 15 regional honorary consuls reporting to
the Czech Ambassador, Ms. Valasek also provides advocacy and assistance for
Czech nationals in the United States.
Sharon Valasek
has shown great commitment to her Czech heritage through her involvement in
a myriad of Czech cultural programs. She is a member of the Czechoslovak Society
of Arts and Sciences and the Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International.
She also holds positions in the Kansas City Czech and Slovak Club and in the
Kansas City chapter of People-to-People International. Valasek is active in
the Project Management Association and the International Trade Club of Kansas
City. In her work with Black and Veatch Solution Groups, Inc., Valasek displays
excellent management and problem-solving skills in advising client organizations
that are seeking to improve productivity and results. As a partner with Robert
D. Gillis Comp! any, LLC, Ms. Valasek was involved in general and project
management for companies doing business with the Czech Republic. Her past
experience includes management consulting, telecommunications, and retailing.
Valasek holds a master of business administration degree from the University
of Avila and a bachelor of science degree from the University of Nebraska
at Kearny.
Upon her appointment
to the post of honorary consul, Valasek stated, "As a second-generation
American of Czech descent, I am very proud and pleased to represent the Czech
Republic�s interests and serve the people in the states of Kansas, Missouri
and Nebraska."
New Head of
CzechInvest in Silicon Valley
Karolina Bockova
comes to California after her tenure as a head of the Global Services and
New Technologies Section at CzechInvest. She started at CzechInvest in 2000
as a marketing executive. Since mid-2002 she has worked in the Investment
Projects Department where sh! e specialized in non-manufacturing investments.
She has taken an active part in developing a new incentive scheme for business
process outsourcing projects.
Karolina�s background
is in economics, she gained a master�s degree in International Trade at Prague
University of Economics. During her studies she was also enrolled in European
Studies with a special focus on European Integration.
Ms. Bockova believes
that "Investors are now highly interested in development and design of
microprocessors and integrated circuits. This confirms the Czech Republic�s
chances to assert herself in these fields in the near future."
Her task now
will be to continue increasing awareness of the Czech Republic as an ideal
region for locating investment projects with high added value, to maintain
previously established contacts with major companies and to actively seek
out companies with a high likelihood of investing in Europe.
On her priorities!
, Karolina says she will "take a closer look at non-manufacturing projects.
There is a great potential in this field given the fact that so many US companies
are offshoring their activities such as IT, finance and accounting."
Alan Becker
and George Novak Promoted to Honorary Consul General
During their
visit to the USA in the summer, Czech Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla and Foreign
Minister Cyril Svoboda announced in Miami the appointment of Alan Becker (Fort
Lauderdale) and George Novak (Atlanta) as Honorary Consul General of the Czech
Republic in Florida and Georgia, respectively.
Alan Becker is
the founding shareholder of the law firm Becker & Poliakoff, P.A., based
in Ft. Lauderdale. He was appointed to the position of Consul in 1993, making
him one of the first Czech Consuls in the United States. Ambassador Palous
has praised him for his first-rate representation of the Czech Republic and
�his keen understanding of Czech economi! c, cultural and political interests."
Although Mr. Becker had no contact with the Czech Republic prior to his appointment
as consul, he has committed himself to improving Czech-American ties and has
enjoyed hosting Czech dignitaries such as former President Vaclav Havel.
Prior to being
appointed Honorary General Consul, George Novak helped to strengthen ties
between Georgia and the Czech Republic as Consul. George Novak moved to Georgia
from the Czech Republic in 1968; he is originally from the city of Brno. In
1983, he founded George Novak Co., a construction management company in Atlanta.
He played a critical role in the reparation of the Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel
in Prague, and his most momentous achievement during his consular career was
obtaining support for Czech entrance into NATO from then U.S. House Speaker
Newt Gingrich and former Senators Max Cleland and Paul Coverdell.
Learning Czech
in Dobruska
The traditional
Czech language course in Dobruska was held on July 31�August 28 this year.
We are proud to publish a few excerpts from letters sent to us by two US participants.
Joan H. Timmerman
from Anaheim, CA writes: "The more I think about it and explain to friends
what I did in Dobruska the more I know it was an extraordinary experience
� something I could never have done on my own. The fact of living there for
a month with men and women from so many countries still surprises me. The
Czechs are everywhere. I developed wonderful relationships with a Russian,
a Serb, a Syrian, two Argentinians, one man from Uruguay and a woman from
Columbia, as well as Canadians and other Americans. We also learned quite
a lot of Czech considering it was a relatively short time and at least 5 of
us came with NO Czech vocabulary or understanding. The teacher who taught
us the traditional Czech songs � Pan Jamaha! � was excellent as was the young
woman (Vladenka) who translated for th! ose of us who did not understand the
tour guides and museum directors.
The program was
so strenuous, however [�] instead of going on the bus from 9 am on Sunday
until 11:30 that night, many of us would have been happier with fewer castles
and factories to see, and a chance to study or to listen to Czech music or
experience other of our cultural riches. The kinds of outings were overwhelmingly
those that tourists would expect. Many of us hope that in future the program
will include more cultural events � concerts, art exhibits, quality time studying
the great churches (not just running through)."
Colleen Cahill
from St. Paul, MN writes: "I enjoyed my experience at Dobruska very much.
I have never had an experience quite like it. I think that the concept of
the Czech government sponsoring and making a program like this available to
those of all ages and backgrounds is highly commemorated. The Czech Republic
as a whole should feel very proud at the! effort they put into showing those
from around the world what an amazing country they live in. I believe that
everyone who attended Dobruska left with a wonderful impression and understanding
of the Czech culture and people.
Each aspect of
the program had its benefits and disappointments. Living in a room with fellow
students from Tunisia, Canada, and Croatia was perhaps one of the most exciting
aspects of the program. The cultural evenings when others had the chance to
educate us on their countries was very informative, though somewhat long.
I enjoyed the
classes and felt that we covered quite a bit in the short period of time;
however, I would have preferred to learn more basic survival skills [�] learning
to order food, asking where the bathroom is, etc., would have been much more
useful for everyday language use, than trying to learn future and past tense
in one month!
If I could do
it again, I would. I am excited to go home and share! with my family and friends
stories and pictures about the amazing experience that I had in Dobruska.
Not to mention the life long friends that I made as a result."
To learn more
about this year�s course, feel free to visit
Honorary Consulate
General in Philadelphia Announces New Web Site
September 22,
2003 marks the introduction of the new site with domain
or It operates through the Czech Foreign Ministry�s
web server, utilizes the Ministry�s standard format and it enables the Consulate
General to post information of general interest in a timely manner. The site
is bilingual (English and Czech) with content in each language