Czech citizenship

The citizenship of the Czech Republic is acquired in accordance with Act No. 186/2013 Coll., by the following means:

1. by birth,
2. by determination of fatherhood,
3. by declaration,
4. by granting,
5. by adoption,
6. when found in the territory of the Czech Republic,
7. in relation with entrustment to an institutional, foster or other forms of a substitute care.

Certificate of Czech citizenship

Czech citizens who do not have a valid proof of their citizenship can apply for a certificate of Czech citizenship. The submission can be made through the embassy of the Czech Republic. The application is then conveyed to the responsible… 

Acquiring Czech citizenship by declaration

In specific cases determined by the Czech Citizenship Act (Act No. 186/2013 Coll.) the Czech citizenship can be acquired by applicant's declaration. These include, among other cases, declaration according to §31 of the Act - for persons who…