Granty Visegrádského fondu a jak se o ně hlásit v letošním roce!
02.02.2023 / 16:30 | Aktualizováno: 02.02.2023 / 16:35
Visegrádský fond nabízí i dále programy podpory spolupráci regionu a zemí Visegrádu.
V odkazech níže najdete podmínky pro přihlášky o granty na letošní rok.
Nadcházející termíny pro přihlášky:
- Visegradský program stipendií:
Visegrad Scholarship Program supports Master and post-Master students and researchers from Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries in all disciplines in any language for up to four semesters at any accredited higher education institution in one of the Visegrad Countries. The application deadline is April 15.
- Výzkumné granty v archívech ve Florencii:
Research Grants at the Historical Archives of the EU in Florence provide scholarships also for post-graduate scholars from Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries interested in European integration to conduct research at the Historical Archives of the European Union. The application deadline is May 31.
- Visegrádská stipendia v archívech Otevřené společnosti Very a Donalda Blinken v Budapešti:
Visegrad Scholarships at the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives in Budapest are offered also to scholars, artists, or journalists from non-V4 countries who wish to conduct research at OSA, and whose current research projects are relevant to the holdings and the given research priorities in the given year. The application deadlines are July 25 and November 15.
- Stipendia Think Visegrad
Think Visegrad Fellowship is awarded two times per year to experts fellows also from non-Visegrad countries with at least five years' experience in their field of research to develop a policy paper and deliver one public presentation on a pre-agreed topic. Deadlines and details are to be found here: