Call for Proposals: Small-Scale Projects (SSP) 2025
13.09.2024 / 10:58 | Aktualizováno: 13.09.2024 / 11:14
The Embassy of the Czech Republic is launching its annual call for proposals for the Small-Scale Projects (SSP) directly managed by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Phnom Penh. These projects are complementary to the large multiple-year projects implemented by the Czech Development Agency (CzDA) and are important component of the Czech Republic Development Cooperation since 2006.
Qualifying projects:
The projects should focus preferably on priority areas of Czech Development Cooperation in Cambodia - inclusive social development (health and education) and natural resources management (water and sanitation) linked to health and education
It is desirable that the implementer would cooperate with Czech subjects, e.g. purchase Czech products, use Czech know-how, and similar.
All projects shall follow the National Development Strategy of Cambodia, contribute to Sustainable Development Goals, DEU activities in Cambodia (specifically Team Europe Initiative themes: green growth and decent jobs; sustainable landscapes, forests and agriculture), and promote gender equality and respect for the environment, including climate security.
Crucial condition is project sustainability (meaning the project would show self-capacity of running in the future without further external financial support).
Available funding:
Funding provided by the Czech Republic for each project ranges between 200 000 CZK (approx. 9 000 USD) to maximum limit 500 000 CZK (approx. 23 000 USD). Co-funding from the applicant or other sources is welcome (in case of co-funding, the applicant is requested to fill additional funds from other donor into the project budget overview in the Identification Form). Overhead costs are to be borne by the applicant. The project shall be focused on the implementation of specific project activities and should be as effective as possible. To ensure this, the total cost of salary/fee, subsistence allowance, accommodation, travel cost and eventual insurance and vaccination of the staff (personal and travel costs) must not exceed 25 % of the project´s total costs.
The SSP budget cannot include the payment of the implementer´s administrative costs. The financial amount approved for the implementation of the selected SSP will be in CZK and it will also be binding for the conversion into USD (following the official exchange rate published on the website of the Embassy – HERE).
Who is eligible to submit the proposal:
Only subjects that can demonstrate their independent legal status in Cambodia can submit SSP proposal(s):
Non-political and non-governmental organizations only;
Implementer of the SSP is a local subject with legal status in the country of the project implementation;
Implementer must be eligible to sign contract with MFA CZ that establishes jurisdiction of Czech laws and Czech courts.
The majority of SSP funding is to be directed toward local civil society organizations (including non-governmental organizations) and other institutions working at the local level. Other entities, such as international, intergovernmental, multilateral and regional organizations can be eligible for a contribution, provided that they are working with local partners and on local projects. Similarly educational, health, social or cultural institutions or local governmental institutions may receive SSP funding, provided that their projects are essentially local in nature.
Proposals must contain:
Completed Identification Form (enclosed below) with stamp and signature. All information related to the proposed project should be included in the Identification Form (Embassy will not accept any annexes to IF);
Copy of the Document proving the applicant’s legal status e. g. founding charter, license/ registration paper with the Cambodian Ministry of Interior / MoU with the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, (if it is in Khmer, please attach with an English translation – an unofficial translation is accepted);
Copy of the Authorization letter of the signed person to act on the applicant’s behalf (officer in charge, board member in case of the director is out of country).
Proposal submission:
All proposals are to be delivered as a complete set in hard copy to the Embassy of the Czech Republic, iCON Professional Building, (5th floor), #216 Norodom Blv., Tonle Bassak, Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, AND in electronic form via email (the identification form – completion in excel format, plus the scanned version of IF, signed and stamped with all the supporting documents) to: .
Terms of project:
Interested entities should submit their proposals to the Embassy of the Czech Republic no later than Friday 11th October 2024.
Submitted proposals can be changed based on the notice from the Embassy until the deadline set by the Embassy.
Successful applicants should sign the contract with the Embassy of the Czech Republic (the applicant must be eligible to sign a contract with foreign entity/donor). Implementation of the project can commence only after signing the contract. The contract amongst others specifies the time deadline for submission of the final report and all relevant financial documents to the Embassy of the Czech Republic.
All SSP activities should be finished no later than 15th October 2025 (beginning of project activities is expected in March 2025).
Please download an enclosed SSP identification form (proposal form) below.
For advice or assistance, please contact:
Ms. Sokun Theary DUONG
Development Cooperation Coordinator
Telephone: 023 726 623