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Lecture of Czech Embassy representative at the Royal Agricultural University in Phnom Penh

V. Tesař, CdA, a. i. at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Phnom Penh lectured at the occassion of "EU Days in Cambodia 2017" at the Royal Agricultural University in Phnom Penh.

On May 8, 2017, V. Tesař celebrated "The Days of the European Union in Cambodia 2017" at the Royal Agricultural University of Phnom Penh (RUA). In a 2-hour lecture, about 150 RUA students learned about the basic facts of the history and the present EU and its links to Cambodia, with emphasis on the current implementation of the „EU-Cambodia Co-operation Agreement“.

In the next part, V. Tesař introduced the Czech Republic to the audience, recalling the development of mutual diplomatic relations with Cambodia, the current situation and perspectives for cooperation in the field of foreign development cooperation and other, diverse forms of assistance provided by the Czech Republic in supporting the economic growth and social emancipation of the inhabitants of Cambodia.

V. Tesař together with Vice-Rector RUA Prof. Seng Mom reminded both the existing and planned projects of cooperation with the Czech Agricultural University in Prague and with the Mendel University in Brno. The presentation closed the discussions with students on the topics of EU economic strength, the functioning of the Euro common currency, the methods of transferring scientific knowledge from the field of healthy agriculture into practice and the possibilities of study in the EU and in the Czech Republic.


Přednáška na Královské zemědělské univerzitě v Phnompenhu