Participation of Czech Embassy representative in a press conference to "EU Days in Cambodia 2017"
05.05.2017 / 14:46 | Aktualizováno: 08.06.2017 / 15:00
V. Tesař, CdA, a. i. at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Phnom Penh together with DEU Head of Cambodia G. Edgar, attended a press conference on "EU Days in Cambodia 2017".
On May 5, 2017, the DEU held a press conference on "The 2017 European Union Days in Cambodia". Head of DEU G. Edgar together with V. Tesar recalled the history of the EU – Cambodia relations, the current and the planned activities of the EU and its Member States to support the development of the Cambodian economy and society and the EU cooperation with Cambodia within a wider regional framework of the ASEM dialogue and the partnership EU -ASEAN. At the same time, the DEU Ambassador referred to the structure of events prepared as part of the "EU Days 2017" celebrations in the form of a gala reception on 9 May 2017.
V. Tesař took advantage of his participation in this event as a good opportunity to introduce himself to the representatives of the press and the media as the newly appointed Head of the Czech Embassy in Cambodia. He reminded the history of diplomatic relations between Czechoslovakia/the Czech Republic with Cambodia and updated the media of the newly taken decision to select Cambodia as one amongst a few priority countries targeted for Development Cooperation by the Czech Republic.
After a press conference, V. Tesar and G. Edgar met EU Tuk-Tuk drivers and went through a symbolic city trip.