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ERA-MIN joint call 2019 will open in November


ERA-NET Cofund on Raw Materials (ERA-MIN 2) is public-public partnership based on the ERA-NET Cofund scheme under Horizon 2020. ERA-MIN 2 aims to implement an European-wide coordination of research and innovation programmes on raw materials to… more ►

World Forum on Future Trends in Defence and Security 2018

FFF 2018

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ottawa invites you to the FUTURE FORCES FORUM in Prague on October 17 – 19, 2018. The Czech Republic will host the 13th edition of specialized international meetings and exhibition focused on… more ►

CERGE- New Economic Talent 2018

CERGE - Economic Talent 2018

CERGE - EI (Charles University in Prague and Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) announce the fourth annual international competition - New Economic Talent 2018. more ►

Invitation to The International Engineering Fair in Brno 2017

MSV 2017

The International Engineering Fair (MSV - Mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh) will take place in Brno on October 9 –13, 2017. MSV is the largest engineering & industrial trade show in Central Europe. More than 1500 exhibitors and over 75000… more ►

Czech Sectoral Trade Mission to Ontario

Czech Mission to Ontario

The Czech Embassy in Ottawa in cooperation with the Czech Chamber of Commerce in Prague organized a sectoral trade mission of Czech companies to Canada. more ►

Project of Economic Diplomacy - Global Petroleum Show 2016

GPS 2016 Calgary

Embassy off the Czech Republic in Ottawa in cooperation with CzechTrade agency Calgary successfully represented the Czech Republic in one of the most important and prestigious international petrochemical fairs held in Canada. Global Petroleum… more ►

Technology Mission from Liberec to Waterloo Region


The Czech Embassy in Ottawa in partnership with the Waterloo Regional Economic Development Corporation ( www.wredc.ca ) and the Regional District Office of Liberec are organizing a visit for representatives of the City of Liberec in the region… more ►

Czech Trade Mission to Canada

Czech Mission to Canada

The Czech Embassy in Ottawa co-organized a trade mission of Czech companies and businessman to Canada. This mission took place between May 29 – June 4, 2016 and visited several provinces. The first of several economic forums and… more ►