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Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Canada

Martin Tlapa


Martin Tlapa

Martin Tlapa


Academic degrees:                                  Ing., MBA

Date of birh:                                             September 28, 1964, Praha    

Professional Profile:                               https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-tlapa-21826486/ 

Twitter:                                                     https://twitter.com/TlapaMar 


Career history:

since October 2023

Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Canada 
2014 - 2023 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Non-European Countries, Economic and Development Cooperation
2012 - 2014

Deputy State Secretary for EU, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic

2004 - 2012

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, EU Affairs, Trade Policy, Single Market, International Competitiveness 

1997 - 2004

CzechTrade – Trade Promotion Agency, Secretary General (1997), Deputy Director General (1997-1999), Director General (2000-2004) 

1996 - 1997

Center of Foreign Economic Relations, Director of External Relations, Secretary General 

1992 - 1996

Embassy of the Czech Republic in Canada, Secretary for Commercial and Economic Affairs 

1991 - 1992

Federal Ministry of Foreign Trade, Prague. Department of Developed Market Economies, Bilateral relations with New Zealand and Cyprus, Free Trade Agreement with EFTA 

1989 - 1991

Research Institute for Foreign Economic Relations, trade relations with OECD countries, bilateral economic relations Czech Republic with EFTA states 


Education & academic experience:

1999 - 2002 

Sheffield Hallam University, Czech Technical University, Master of Business Administration (MBA)

1985 – 1989

University of Economics in Prague, Faculty of Trade

1981 - 1984 High School of Economics, Prague, Foreign Trade 


Professional Activities and Awards:

2002 - 2003

Awarded Manager for Business Services by the Czech Management Association, Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic and Confederation of Employer’s and Entrepreneur’s Associations 

2005 - 2012

Deputy of the Czech Republic in the Committee for EU for Trade Policy and Investment, Deputy of the Ministry of the Industry and Trade in the Committee for the European Union, Head of Delegations of the Czech Republic at the Ministerial conferences of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


Head of the teams for preparation of the government adopted documents: Export Strategy of the Czech Republic 2006-2010, International Competitiveness Strategy for the Czech Republic (2011), Strategy for the relations with Africa and Strategy for the relations of the Czech Republic with Indo-Pacific countries (2022). Author of books and articles focused on diplomacy, foreign economic relations, competitiveness and export promotion and services.



Martin Tlapa is married and has two adult sons. 



Martin Tlapa CV 202 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Nov 22, 2023