
Czech poet Ondřej Buddeus attending Crowd Omnibus Festival

European poetry festival Omnibus Reading Tour 2016 organized by the literary organization Crowd will take place in the period from May to August - this time also with a Czech participation. One of the authors, who joined the festival, is a Czech poet Ondřej Buddeus. He will participate in discussions and hold several readings – in Oslo, Trondheim, Lillehammer and Tromsø in the period of May 8 to May 14, 2016.

Festival Crowd Omnibus is a literary tour that will travel from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean Sea, with fifty stops in fourteen European countries. It will present over a hundred of artists from 37 countries in a form of author readings and also discussions and workshops. The festival is beginning its journey in Finland and will continue through Norway, Germany, Czech Republic or Bulgaria, with its last stop in Cyprus.

Ondřej Buddeus (*1984), who represents a new wave of the Czech young poet generation, works also as a translator of Norwegian and German languages, and is a chief editor of a magazine for contemporary poetry ‘Psí víno’. A graduate of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague published a collection of his works called 55 007 characters with spaces in 2011 and his book Rorýsy was issued  in 2012. He received the Jiří Orten Prize for the year of 2013.


Buddeus will perform in these cities:

  • Tromsø 9th May, 19:00 - 21:00 hod, Café Aunegården, Sjøgata 29

  • Trondheim 11th May, 18:00 - 20:00, Kulturesenteret ISAK, Prinsens gate 44

  • Lillehammer 12th May, 19:00 - 21:00, Lillehammer bibliotek, Wiesesgate 2

  • Oslo 13th May, 17:00 - 18:30, Goethe-Institut, Grønland 16.

    More information about the festival, including a schedule, to be found at