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The European Union requirements for suppliers of chemicals

Embassy of the Czech Republic in India appeals to all suppliers of chemical substances to  kindly pre-register your substances until the deadline on 31 May 2018 with ECHA (European Chemical Agency). If you manufacture or export a non-CMR, a substance that is not a known carcinogen, mutagen or toxic to reproduction, phase-in substance such as inks, colors, detergents etc in amounts of 1 to 100 tonnes a year, than you must be registered with the European Chemicals Agency. The pre-registration will enable you to continue supplying your substances legally on the EU/EEA market.

It is necessary to register the substance, be it itself or part of a product. Registration is based on the „one substance, one registration“ principle.  This means that manufacturers and importers of the same substance have to submit their registration jointly. The analytical and spectral information provided should be consistent and sufficient to confirm the substance identity. Usually, a fee is charged for substance registration.

For more information, visit: https://echa.europa.eu/reach-2018 or contact the commercial counsellor Milan Dostal (Milan_Dostal@mzv.cz)