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A Czechoslovak chamber duo performed in Nairobi

On the 26th November 2018, the Embassies of the Czech and Slovak Republics in Nairobi arranged a shared concert of classical music on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the independent Czechoslovak state.

The chamber duo, composed of Slovak Mrs. Zuzana Berešová (piano) and Czech Mr. Pavel Burdych (violin) presented a selection of works by Czech and Slovak composers as well as Czech, Moravian and Slovak folk songs.

The concert was jointly launched by Czech and Slovak Ambassadors Mr. Pavel Řezáč and Mr. František Dlhopolček. In their speech they emphasized the importance of the 2018 Czech and Slovak anniversaries stressing especially the events of November 1989, i.e. the collapse of the totalitarian Communist system.

About 60 guests from the diplomatic corps, business community, and Czech and Slovak expatriots attended the event. Among the prominent guests were Mr. Ababu Namwamba, the Chief Administrative Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kenya, and Ms. Hanna S. Tetteh, the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON) and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ghana.

Velvyslanci Pavel Řezáč a František Dlhopolček, koncert 26.11.2018

Velvyslanci Pavel Řezáč a František Dlhopolček, koncert 26.11.2018

Ambassadors Mr. Pavel Řezáč and Mr. František Dlhopolček, joint speech, 26 November 2018

Česko-slovenské komorní duo a čestní hosté koncertu

Česko-slovenské komorní duo a čestní hosté koncertu

The Czecho-slovak chamber duo and the prominent guests of the concert

Česko-slovenské komorní duo - Zuzana Berešová a Pavel Burdych

Česko-slovenské komorní duo - Zuzana Berešová a Pavel Burdych

Česko-slovenský koncert v Nairobi - obecenstvo

Česko-slovenský koncert v Nairobi - obecenstvo