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“Czech Ideas” online workshop, 15 April 2021

Invitation to online workshop with Mr Tomas Jelinek, MD of the "EnergyCloud" company

Dear business friends,

We would like to invite you to the new “Czech Ideas” online workshop. Our goal is to introduce potential customers and investors to promising Czech companies and products which have global ambitions. The event is co-organized by the Czech Government institutions supporting research and trade.

In the upcoming workshop which will take place on April 15th at 10:00 (CET, GMT+2) in Google Meet, Czech company EnergyCloud Managing Director Tomas Jelinek will present a new generation of battery storages. In their presentation, you will learn about their technology and business plans. The presentation will be in English and will not last longer than 1 hour, including the discussion.

To take part in this event, kindly register at https://registrace.spcr.cz/en/?eventId=883&controller=event&task=individualRegister

After the registration you will receive the link for online conference.

We believe that the event will be useful for you and will become an opportunity to establish new business ties.


Invitation Czech Ideas - Energy Cloud (PDF, 93 KB)