Employee Card Requirements
24.04.2018 / 06:56 | Aktualizováno: 25.06.2021 / 08:35
An employee card is a type of long-time residence permit in the Czech Republic, where the purpose of stay (longer than 3 months) is employment.
How you can get an employee card?
I. You have to find the suitable job position.
The job vacancy for which an application for an employee card can be filed must come from the central register of job vacancies that can be filled by holders of employee cards. Subject to the consent of the employer, these vacant jobs can be published on the Internet Integrated Portal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs where can be found.
II. Contact your employer regarding your employment contract. „Pracovní smlouva“ is among others the part of requirements to be submitted at the Embassy.
III. Apply with the Embassy.
An employee card can be applied for by submitting a special application form titled “Application for an Employee Card” There the number of the job vacancy according to the central register of job vacancies that can be filled by holders of employee cards, in addition to providing the relevant information must be stated.
Together with an application kindly present:
- a valid travel document,
- a document confirming availability of accommodation,
- 2 photographs showing the current appearance of the foreign national. Photo size should be 3.5 x 4.5 cm, with a light-colored background.
- a contract of employment, an agreement on work activity (or at least an agreement for a future contract where the parties agree to enter into a contract of employment or an agreement on work activity by an agreed deadline). The aforementioned documents must contain a stipulation which provides that regardless of the scope of work, the agreed monthly salary will not be lower than the basic monthly minimum wage and that weekly working hours will be at least 15 hours,
- documents proving the professional qualifications for performance of the desired job, if this condition follows from the nature of the employment or an international agreement sets such a condition, particularly
- a document proving the required education (such as a diploma); in justified cases, particularly if reasonable doubt exists as to whether you have the required education or whether your education is appropriate for the nature of employment, you will be obliged, at the request of an administrative authority, to prove and submit a document certifying that your foreign education has been recognized by the relevant authority of the CR,
- a document proving the required professional qualifications, if such qualifications are required according to other legal regulations (for example, a fork-lift truck operator license or the appropriate driving license for a tram/bus driver, etc.),
- a document proving that you meet the requirements for performing an occupation referred to as “regulated occupation”, if your application concerns this kind of occupation; if you do not already hold such a document, you must apply to the relevant recognition authority of the Czech Republic for recognition of your professional qualifications, after filing the application for an employee card. Issuance of the employee card is contingent on your submission of an affirmative decision of the recognition authority,
- Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila, in accordance with § 31 par. a) of Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreigners in the Czech Republic, requires all long-term visa and long-term residence permit applicants, to present authenticated document, similar to an extract from Penal Register issued by the state of residence - Filipino NBI criminal. The applicant is obligated to present similar document from any other country in which he/she resided more than 6 months in last 3 years. In the event that such a state does not issue such document affidavit needs to be presented. Filipino NBI criminal record must be authenticate with apostille and translated into Czech language. The police clearance from any other foreign country must be authenticated with apostille or super legalization.
- upon request, a medical report stating that the foreign national does not suffer from any serious disease.
- payment for filing of an application for employee card - equivalent in PHP to 5 000 CZK
Originals or else officially authenticated copies of all of the attached documents must be submitted. All submitted documents in a foreign language must be submitted in their original version and with an officially certified translation into the Czech language. The required attachments to the application must not be older than 180 days, except for the travel document and the photograph of the foreign national, provided that it corresponds to his or her current appearance.
IV. Before a long term visa is issued for the purpose of collecting an employee card (D/VR), the applicant is required to present medical travel insurance valid for transit and the Czech Republic from the first day of travel for another 40 days. The minimum coverage must be EUR 60,000.
The requirement attachments to the application are also different if the employee card operates in the non-dual mode. You can find more information in the section titled Special Cases / Non-Dual Mode Employee Card.
For more information visit the web page of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic.
Detailed information about Employee Card applications is available at the web site of the Ministry of the Interior, under which competence the portfolio of Employee Cards falls.