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Charles Bridge in Prague
Baby Jesus in  Carmelite Church of Our Lady Victorious in Prague,
Visit Litoměřice - the Town of Blumentritt
Třebíč - UNESCO World Heritage Site

Czech Guitarist Lukáš Sommer in the Philippines

Lukáš Sommer

This May, the Philippines heard for the first time the serenade of a renowned Czech guitarist and composer, Lukáš Sommer, as he brought to the country his music and artistry. Apart of concerts, he held Master Classes at the Filipino schools and… more ►

Production of Social Impact Films Project

Social Impact Film Project

The Czech Embassy in Manila proudly supported in May 2019 the project by Active Vista, focused on Production and Distribution of Social Impact Films. more ►

Czech Embassy at Lakbayin Natin and EU 2019

Lakbayin Natin ang EU

The Czech Embassy celebrated Lakbayin Natin ang EU's 11th year, a program under the umbrella of the Viva Europa 2019 - cultural festival, organized by the European Union Delegation and other EU embassies and cultural institutions. more ►

Remembering Czechoslovak Bataan Defenders

Ambassador Jana Šedivá in Bataan

Czech Ambassador Jana Šedivá visited Mount Samat National Shrine in Bataan on 9 April 2019 to commemorate 14 Czechoslovak citizens who voluntarily joined the American - Filipino forces. They became prisoners-of-war who endured and died in the… more ►