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Photo: Byounique Trust
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Local small scale projects implemented in Zambia and Malawi in 2022

Like very year, also in 2022 the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Lusaka supported local organizations in their activities through the so-called local small scale projects. One was  implemented in Zambia and one in Malawi.

Zambia: Rehabilitation of old building into new staff offices & tutorial space at Sancta Maria Collge of Nursing (Implementing organization: Catholic Diocese of Mongu, Sancta Maria College of Nursing & Midwifery)

The project followed up on a successful local small-scale project from 2021, when the Czech Republic made a significant contribution to the construction and equipping of a new college for nurses and midwives in the town of Lukulu, located in a remote area of Zambia's Western Province. Within this year's project, an old building on the school campus was renovated to provide offices for the  staff and space for tutorials. The building was also equipped with basic furniture (tables, chairs, cupboards, bookshelves). The project has thus contributed to improving the quality of teaching at the school, where young people (especially girls) from the surrounding area have for the first time the opportunity to receive higher vocational education close to where they live.




Malawi: Vocational skills training and entrepreneurship for marginalized youth (Implementing organization: Byounique Trust)

The aim of the project was to support socially disadvantaged youth in the town of Nchalo in southern Malawi to acquire practical skills and subsequently earn a living. A training centre was set up and courses were implemented in tailoring and design, hairdressing, hospitality, electronics and ICT. Selected graduates were supported to start their own businesses. The Czech contribution paid for the renovation of the premises and the purchase of necessary equipment and materials such as computers and other IT equipment, sewing machines, refrigerators, kitchen utensils, hairdressing tools, etc. The trainings will continue in the coming years.

