Most important events in the Czech Republic in 2018
21.03.2019 / 14:16 | Aktualizováno: 01.03.2023 / 09:54
The year 2018 was framed by great historical anniversaries. Firstly, it was remembered and celebrated that it has been 100 years since the origin of the Czechoslovak state on 28th October 1918. However, some of those anniversaries were bitter-sweet. For example, remembering the year 1948, when so called communist coup d'état took place and installed several decades of non-democratic regime in the former Czechoslovakia. 20 years later, on 21st and 22nd August 1968, Warsaw pact army of comrade states invaded into Czechoslovakia to restore peace and order. These were turning points in the history of our country. Not only celebrations, but also many new challenges and successful events worth mentioning occurred in the year 2018.
Within the domestic political situation, the most important milestones in 2018 were two moments: The first was the direct election of the president, in which Milos Zeman won and entered the second term of office. Another important event was the appointment of Andrej Babis´s second government, by the President Milos Zeman, June 27th 2018.
Regarding the success in the economical perspective, according to the Minister of Trade and Industry Marta Novakova: “the year 2018 was the most successful year for Czech export counting approximately 176 billion EUR. Czech export involved not only goods, but also know-how and innovations of the Czech companies”. The unique mission to Somaliland and Ethiopia, consisted of Czech entrepreneurs, took place in the first half of the year. The main purpose of this business trip was to promote and strengthen economic and trade bonds between the Czech Republic and both Eastern African countries. The bilateral agreement in total amount of 100 million EUR was signed between Iveco and SOTRA, located in Ivory Coast. This included 400 buses produced at the Vysoke Myto, a town in the Czech Republic. Further cooperation of Czech Republic with Africa brought representatives of Ghanaian Government and entrepreneurs to Prague on 26th June 2018, in the occasion of Business forum. Examples of cooperation between Czech and Ghanaian companies were introduced by the director and chairman of the Board of Directors of Knights a.s. Contract for reconstruction of 5 regional airports in Senegal reach to its final stage for the Czech company Transcon Electronic Systems.
Many important cultural events took place during the last year. The long-awaited reopening of the National Museum was the most significant one. The new glass roof dome was presented, and is made accessible to the public. Moreover, many interior and exterior spaces were renovated. The National Museum was reopened on 28th October 2018 - exactly 100 years to the day since the foundation of the Czechoslovakia. Many significant personalities of Czech political, cultural and public sphere were present.
The Czech Republic celebrated huge success in sports in 2018. Czech snowboarder Ester Ledecka won the gold medal during the Olympic Games not only in her main discipline (snowboarding), but also in Women´s Super G. This unusual success became a worldwide sensation, and her name has long appeared on the pages of the world press.