Regulation of in-person visits to the Consulate General
15.05.2023 / 08:45 | Aktualizováno: 15.05.2023 / 08:42
The Consulate General requires all prospective in-person visitors to have a previously confirmed appointment.
No walk-in visitors can be attended.
TO VISITORS PLANNING TO FILE A NEW VISA APPLICATION: Please follow the mandatory procedure for requesting an appointment to visit the Visa Section of our Consulate General, chapter HOW TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT, sections A, B, or C.
TO ALL OTHER VISITORS: In order to set up an appointment at our Consulate General, please send an e-mail to losangeles@embassy.mzv.cz. Include your full name, purpose of visit(*) and a preferred (plus a second preferred) date and time for the appointment. Our public hours are Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
Please visit us in person only after you have obtained a confirmation of your appointment. The e-mail with your appointment date and time, received from the Consulate General must be shown (printed on paper or displayed on your mobile device) in order to gain access to the premises of the Consulate.
The Consulate General has introduced and enforces precautionary measures for visitors (PDF, 280 KB).
(*) Notarization of signature, verification of a copy, passport applications, passport pick-ups/drop-offs, Czech vital records, Czech citizenship etc.