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budova GK Los Angeles

Not Just Once or the Swell Season in Los Angeles

Marketa Irglova v  LA

Markéta Irglová and Glen Hansard are performing together again after years. At the end of their August US tour, they received a standing ovation at the sold-out Orpheum Theater on Broadway in Los Angeles. more ►

The Painted Cinema of Karel Zeman

The Painted Cinema of Karel Zeman

In collaboration with the the Velaslavasay Panorama, the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles hosts three screenings of Zeman’s films exploring a deep sea voyage, the perils of prehistoric life, and the airborne… more ►

Hurricane Hillary in the Southwest USA

Hurricane Hillary has been affecting the southwest USA, especially southern California, as a tropical storm since Sunday, August 20, 2023, and will last until next week. It brings the risk of flooding and disruption of the functionality of the… more ►

Czechs for the first time at SmallSat in Utah

SmallSat Utah

In early August, Utah State University hosted the 37th annual SmallSat Expo, which for the first time included representatives from the Brno Space Cluster - the Brno Space Cluster brings together representatives from companies, universities, and… more ►

Concert - Colossal Baroque: Music of Biber, Megerle, and Muffat

Colossal Baroque

The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles together with the Czechoslovak Society of Arts & Sciences in Los Angeles recommend a concert Colossal Baroque. featuring work of a remarkable Bohemian-Austrian violinist and composer of… more ►

Update on the situation on the Hawaiian island of Maui

Ilustrační obrázek

We draw attention to the damaged infrastructure on the Hawaiian island of Maui as a result of large-scale fires on August 9-12, 2023, which most affected the city of Lahaina and its surroundings. In the affected parts of the island, normal life… more ►

The Owners: U.S. Premiere

The Owners: U.S. Premiere

Winner of three Czech Lions, a comedy film THE OWNERS (Vlastníci) opens in August on both coasts of the United States. This Czech Republic's box office hit with a star-studded cast (Tereza Ramba, Vojta Kotek, Dagmar Havlová, Jiří Lábus,… more ►