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Czech institutions in the United States covering U.S. West Coast


Embassy of the Czech Republic to the United States of America

Field of Activity: diplomatic jurisdiction of the territory of the United States, bilateral relationships between the Czech Republic and the United States

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary: H. E. Miloslav STAŠEK

3900 Spring of Freedom St. NW

Washington, DC 20008

Phone: (202) 274-9100

Fax: (202) 966-8540

E-mail: washington@embassy.mzv.cz

Web: www.mzv.cz/washington

Facebook: CzechembassyDC 

Twitter: CzechEmbassyDC

Instagram: CzechEmbassyDC


Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Los Angeles

Field of Activity: consular jurisdiction over the states of the West Coast, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, CNMI and American Samoa

Consul General: Amb. Jaroslav Olša, Jr.

10990 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1100

Los Angeles, CA 90024

Phone: (310) 473-0889

Fax: (310) 473-9813

E-mail: czechconsulatela@gmail.com

Web: www.mzv.cz/losangeles

Facebook: CzechConsulateLA

Instagram: CzechConsulate


CzechInvest USA - San Francisco

Field of Activity: support of trade and investments between the Czech Republic
and the United States

Director for West Coast Operations: Anna Hight

44 Tehama Street

San Francisco, CA 94105

Phone: (415) 605 2633

E-mail: california@czechinvest.org

Web: czechinvest.org

Facebook: CzechInvestSF


Czech Center New York

Field of Activity: public diplomacy, support of the Czech culture and creative industry
on the whole territory of the United States

Director: Miroslav Konvalina

Bohemian National Hall

321 E 73rd Street

New York, NY 10021

Phone: (646) 422-3399

Fax: (646) 422-3383

Email: info@czechcenter.com

Web: new-york.czechcentres.cz

Facebook: CzechCenterNewYork

Instagram: CzechCenter

Twitter: CzechCenter

YouTube: Czech Center New York

Linktree: CzechCenterNY


Czech Tourist Authority – CzechTourism

Field of Activity: support of tourism to the Czech Republic, building awareness about destinations and activities in the Czech Lands

Director: Michaela Claudino

26 Broadway, 8th floor

New York, NY 10004

Phone: (212) 288 0830

Fax: (212) 288 0971

E-mail: newyork@czechtourism.com

Web: czechtourism.cz

YouTube: Visit Czech Republic