Photo: Zavod Celeia Celje

Opening of the exhibition "Jože Plečnik and Prague" in Celje and invitation to a lecture

On Friday, January 22, 2021 an exhibition with the title „Jože Plečnik and Prague“ was opened in Celje. The exhibition presents the work created by the Slovenian architect J. Plečnik in Prague and at some other places in the Czech Republic. This open-air exhibition is located at Krekov trg in Celje and will be displayed until March 3, 2021.

The exhibition "Jože Plečnik and Prague" acquaints the visitors, through 22 panels, with the work of Jože Plečnik, created during his stay in Czechoslovakia. Jože Plečnik became known to the Czech public as an architect of Prague Castle who participated in the extensive renovations of Prague Castle and Chateau in Lány, carried out at the request of President T. G. Masaryk. The exhibition presents the most important moments of Plečnik's work of this period, including another significant peace of work - the Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord in Vinohrady, Prague.

The exhibition was created in cooperation of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ljubljana, the Prague Castle Administration and the Office of the President of the Republic and other partners and was first presented last autumn in Ljubljana. Due to the positive feedback from the Slovenian public and the interest of Slovenians in the legacy of this important Slovenian architect in the Czech Republic, the city of Celje also decided to host this exhibition.

On January 22, 2021 the Ambassador J. Chmiel and the Mayor of Celje Bojan Šrot opened the exhibition. Within the following meeting both representatives discussed the existing cooperation between Celje and the Czech Republic and the new future opportunities for cooperation in the field of culture and education.

Thanks to its location in the open air it is possible to visit the exhibition even during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Czech Embassy is pleased that despite of significant restrictions on public life, it is able to support cultural events in this way. You can preview the exhibition in pdf version here

The author of the exhibition Mr.Vladimír Šlapeta is one of the leading Czech professor of architecture. The exhibition was graphically designed by Mr. Ondřej Grygar. Mrs. Tatjana Jamnik, the Slovenian translator of Czech literature, translated the text into Slovenian language.

The Czech Architecture week, FOIBOS BOOKS, the Kotěra Center for Architecture and the Plečnik House in Ljubljana also participated in the preparation of the exhibition. The exhibition was made possible with the support of the City of Celje and Závod Celeia Celje.

Invitation to a lecture on the occasion of the exhibition "Jože Plečnik and Prague" in Celje

An interdisciplinary lecture will take place on Monday 15 February 2021 at 5.30 pm on the occasion of the exhibition "Jože Plečnik and Prague", organized by the University of the Third Age in Celje in cooperation with the Central Library in Celje and The Celeia Celje Institute.

In the first part of the lecture, art historian and Professor Darja Povše will present a few facts about Plečnik and his creative path, his most famous works in Slovenia and abroad with an emphasis on his influence in Celje, and will give some interesting facts about his work in Prague. In the second part of the lecture, the tourist guide and passionate traveller Rok Videc will give a virtual tour of old city of Prague emphasising the architectural impact of Plečnik.

The lecture will be available on the university's Youtube channel and on the FB page of the Central Library in Celje


Exhibition "Jože Plečnik and Prague" 2 MB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Jan 22, 2021
