Opening Ceremony of an Exhibition about G. J. Mendel at the Bogenšperk Castle

On August 17, 2022 was held the Opening Ceremony of an exhibition „G. J. Mendel and the trouble-ridden story of genes“ created by Lucie Seifertová and translated in to the slovenian language by Timotej Margon.

Bogenšperk castle is already the third place in Slovenia (after Ljubljana and Vipava), where you can visit this educative exhibition dedicated to the life and research activities of one of the most famous „Moravian“ G. J. Mendel.

The exhibition was opened by Mr. Rajko Meserko, Mayor of the Šmartno při Litiji, H.E. Mr. Juraj Chmiel, Ambassador of the Czech Republic, and Mrs. Alena Šamonilová, Chairman of the Czech-Slovenian Society. After their speeches guests enjoyed a small refresment at the patio of the Bogenšperk castle.

Bogenšperk Castle

Bogenšperk Castle

from the left side: Mr. Grošelj - Member of the EU Parlament, Mr. R Meserko - Mayor of Šmartna pri Litiji, H.E. Mr. J. Chmiel - Ambassador of the Czech Republic, Mrs. A. Šamonilová - Chairman of the Czech-Slovenian Society, Mrs. E. Dukarič - violinist

from the left side: Mr. Grošelj - Member of the EU Parlament, Mr. R Meserko - Mayor of Šmartna pri Litiji, H.E. Mr. J. Chmiel - Ambassador of the Czech Republic, Mrs. A. Šamonilová - Chairman of the Czech-Slovenian Society, Mrs. E. Dukarič - violinist


performance o f Eva Dukarič

performance o f Eva Dukarič

Exhibition visitors

Exhibition visitors