Invitation to the exhibition "Czech Footprints in Slovenia" at Krekov Square in Celje

The exhibition "Czech Footprints in Slovenia" on the heritage of Czech-Slovenian relations was prepared by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ljubljana in cooperation with the Municipality of Celje and the Institute Celeia Celje.  In the presence of Czech Ambassador Mr. Juraj Chmiel and the Mayor of Celje Mr. Matija Kovač the official opening of the exhibition will be held on Thursday 20 April 2023 at 12:00 on Krekov Square. The aim of the exhibition is to acquaint the audience with important Czech-Slovenian historical ties and leading Czech personalities who have worked in the past on the territory of today's Slovenia.

The exhibition was initiated by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ljubljana on the occasion of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which is also the author of the exhibition in cooperation with the Prague Castle Administration.

The 22 panels of the exhibition present the close ties between the two nations and the Czech personalities from the fields of architecture, music, theatre, film, photography, science, medicine, etc., who have successfully contributed to the building of Slovenian national identity, culture, education, infrastructure and, last but not least, the sports movement, and have made an indelible mark on Slovenian history. The vast majority of them have even found a new home and put down their roots, such as the photographer Josip Pelikan, who came to Celje a century ago and worked here for almost six decades.

The exhibition will be exposed until 05 May 2023 on Krekov Square (Krekov trg).

We also recommend watching the video for the exhibition „Czech Footprints in Ljubljana“ by Czech architects" prepared by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ljubljana.

The invitation is attached.

The exhibition can also be viewed in the attachment.


Invitation to the exhibition "Czech Footprints in... 81 KB JPG (Picture / Photo) Apr 19, 2023

Exhibition "Czech Footprints in Slovenia" 2 MB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Apr 19, 2023