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Commemoration of Václav Havel in Ljubljana

Vaclav Havel's Bench in Ljubljana

On December 13, the Czech Embassy commemorated the 10th anniversary of Václav Havel’s death at a bench installed in the Northern City Park in Ljubljana. Ambassador Juraj Chmiel, together with the President of National Assembly Alojz Kovšca… more ►

Jože Plečnik & Prague Exhibition on View in Krško

Jože Plečnik and Prague panel

On 5th August, 2021 an outdoor exhibition summing up Prague works by Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik was launched in Krško. The Czech DHM Jan Beneš and Mayor Miran Stanko were present at the opening ceremony. The Krško installation is a joint… more ►

New Czech Sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List

Mariánské Lázně

In July, 2021, UNESCO decided on new sites to be inscribed on the World Heritage List. The Czech Spa Triangle, and the Primeval Beech Forests of Jizerské hory became new successfully nominated Czech Republic’s sites. Out of eleven… more ►