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Saint Wenceslas Holy Mass in the Trnovo Parish Church

Saint Wenceslas Holy Mass in the Trnovo Parish Church

On the occasion of the Czech Statehood Day, Saint Wenceslas Day, was on the 27th of September 2022 held a Holy Mass in the Parish Church of the St. John the Baptist in Trnovo, a quarter where the Embassy of the Czech Republic is located. The… more ►

Invitation to the Conference and Exhibition on J. A. Comenius

J. A. Comenius

On 3rd October 2022 at 10:00 in the Main Hall of the Municipality of Nova Gorica will be held the Conference on J. A. Comenius and solemnly opened the exhibition The Legacy of J. A. Comenius to the World, presenting the story and work of one of… more ►

Opening of the exhibition „Czech footprints in Slovenia“

Opening of the exhibition „Czech footprints in Slovenia“

On Monday, 19 September 2022 in Ljubljana, an open-air exhibition on the historical ties between Slovenians and Czechs - "Czech Footprints in Slovenia" - was officially opened on the banks of the Ljubljanica River by the Embassy of the Czech… more ►

The Terezín Declaration Conference

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and Office of the Special Envoy for Holocaust organized the Terezín Declaration Conference in Prague and Terezín from 2nd November until 4th November, 2022. more ►