Official visit of the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic H. E. Mr. Jan Hamáček with Delegation to Slovenia

During February 3 – 4, 2015, the Delegation of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic headed by the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic H.E. Mr. Jan Hamáček visited Slovenia on the basis of the invitation of the Speaker of the National Assembly of Slovenia H. E. Mr. Milan Brglez. Besides talks in the Slovenian Assembly, the Delegation was received by the President of  Slovenia H. E. Mr. Borut Pahor. The speaker H.E. Mr. J. Hamáček gave an interview to Slovenian commercial TV station Planet TV and Czech Radio. The official part of the Delegation of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic besides H. E. Mr. Jan Hamáček consisted of deputies for particular political parties: Mrs. Margita Balaštíková (vice-chairwoman of the political group of ANO), Mr. Pavel Kováčik (chairman of the political group of KSČM), Mr. Jiří Mihola (chairman of the political group of KDU/ČSL), Mr. Zdeněk Bezecný (member of political group of TOP 09), Mr. Radim Holeček (member of political group of ODS). The Delegation was accompanied by the head of the office of the Chamber of  Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Mr. Petr Kynštetr who in the frame of the programe had separate meeting with the Secretary General of the National Assembly of Slovenia Mrs. Uršula Zore Tavčar. The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic H. E. Mr Jan Hamáček and other members of Czech Delegation discussed with Slovenian partners the topics of bilateral cooperation, mutual economic relations, privatization in Slovenia as well as the participation of Czech entities in the privatization, experience from the privatization in the Czech Republic,  Slovenian involvement in the cooperation with V4, situation in the countries of Western Balkans and the state of their integration into the EU, situation in Turkey in the light of refugee crisis, the role of national parliaments in the legislation process of the EU, preparation of Declaration concerning the activities of Slovenia in EU institutions, preparations of the Foreign Policy Declaration, preparation of budgetary responsibility law in both countries, pension reform approach and cooperation of both countries in military sphere.