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Official visit of Minister of Foreign Afffairs of Slovenia H. E. K. Erjavec to the Czech Republic

During November 6 – 7, 2014, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia H. E. Mr. K. Erjavec visited the Czech Republic. Mr. Erjavec was accompanied by slovenian delegation of representatives  from the sector of transportation (Ministry of Infrastructure of Slovenia, Association of port carriers of Slovenia, Association of Logistics of Slovenia, DARS, Slovenian railways, Association of Luka Koper, Center of Trans International Logistics, Slovenija trade,s.r.o., METRANS Danubia SK, METRANS Adria, o.o.p, FERŠPED). On November 7, 2014, H. E. Minister K. Erjavec visited Ministry of Transport where a meeting with Minister of transport of the Czech Republic H. E. Mr. A. Prachař was held. The meeting was followed by opening of Czech-slovenian workshop of logistics.

On November 7, 2014, a bilateral meeting between the Minsiters of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia and the Czech Republic H. E. Mr. K. Erjavec and H. E. Mr. L. Zaorálek  was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The main attention of the meeting was paid to the possibilities of enlargement of the bilateral cooperation, cooperation in the  format of V4+, situation in the region of  Western Balkans, securtity risks of today's world as well as the development of the EU after the European Council meeting that was held in October. H. E. Mr. Zaorálek acknowledged the problem-free mutual relations and emphasized the potential for their further intensification in particular in  Western Balkans. Slovenian side confirmed its readiness to cooperate in this field in the frame of particular projects of both bilateral or V4+ characters.

On October 7, 2014. the Minister of Foreighn Affairs H. E.  Mr. K. Erjavec was received by the President of the Czech Republic H. E. Mr. Milos Zeman.  The topics that were discussed were the development of energy and transport infrastructure, Czech experience from privatization of banking sector, conflict in the Ukraine and EU sanctions against Russian Federation as well as the fight against terrorism .


Ministr Zaorálek přijal slovinského resortního kolegu Karla Erjavece