Exhibition of the Photographers of the War

During the months of April and May 2015, the Czech exhibition of the Photographers of the War was to be seen in the frame of commemorative events to 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Soča front. The Slovenian audience had an opportunity to see the photos gradually on two places – in the military museum in Pivka and town museum in Tolmin. Both towns are situated in the area of the fights of the First World War that started in 1915 and thousands of Czech soldiers participated in them. Firstly, the exhibition was festively opened by the Czech Prime Minister H.E. Mr. B. Sobotka, H.E. Mr. Karl Erjavec, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia and the Chief of the General Staff of Slovenia Major General A. Osterman in the military museum of Pivka on April 14, 2015.  The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, H.E. Mr. B. Sobotka included the opening of the exhibition into his programme of the official visit to Slovenia. H.E. Mr. B. Sobotka mentioned in his speech the rarity of the exhibition of the photographs of three Czech soldiers that were rediscovered 90 years since they were taken. The vernissage in Pivka had a music accompaniment in the form of the flute quartet of the Slovenian army.

Afterwards, the exhibition was moved to the town of Tolmin. On April 30, 2015, the exhibition was opened with festive vernissage in the local musem. H.E. Ms. Věra Zemanová, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Slovenia gave a speech as well as Ms. D. Fortunat Černilogar, the Director of the museum in Tolmin as well as Ms. M. Kenda, the Deputy Mayor of the town of Tolmin. The opening of the exhibition in the town of Tolmin was accompanied with the concert of the pupils of the local music school.