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Photo: Mistrovství světa v ledním hokeji 2019 v rezidenci velvyslance
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Ice Hockey World Championship 2019 in Ambassador´s Residence

With the opportunity of the Ice Hockey World Championship 2019 in Slovakia the Embassy of the Czech Republic organized in the Ambassador´s residence a live TV streaming of the 3rd place match between the Czech Republic and Russia and the final match between Finland and Canada.

For about 2 weeks the Ice Hockey fans all around the world – even in the tropical Malaysia - left their problems behind and put their attention on what happened on the ice rings in Slovakia. The Embassy of the Czech Republic organized, during the transmission of the final matches, a social event with the aim to present our country and one of the Czech most typical characteristics, which is our passion for Ice Hockey. The invited guests also tasted some Czech and Slovak traditional snacks and Czech beer.

The event took place in the Ambassador´s residence and among the guests were members of diplomatic corps, Czech citizens and also some Malaysian active and former Ice Hockey players, as this winter sport is becoming even in Malaysia more and more popular in the recent years. The main guest was the Deputy President of Malaysian Ice Hockey Federation, Mr. Kamar Ismail. The event served also as a very good opportunity to establish closer ties and to discuss the possibilities of future cooperation between both countries, as for example exchanges of couches, experts, and organization of training camps for young Ice Hockey players.   

Malaysian guests

Malaysian guests