New Funding Opportunities in Research are here!
19.12.2023 / 06:52
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Kuala Lumpur would like to draw your attention to the launch of the new Joint Funding Scheme Southeast Asia - Europe Joint Call for Proposals! Joint Call is open from December 1st, 2023 in the thematic areas of Circular Economy & Clean, Accessible, and Secure Energy Supply. We encourage researchers from both countries to participate in this unique opportunity and simultaneously, our Embassy offers the services of finding suitable partners for building the consortia, both from Europe and from Southeast Asia.
Call announced on December 1st 2023 - SEA-Europe JFS is connected to two Thematic Areas: Circular Economy and Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply:
1. Circular Economy:
Circular economy approaches in science, technology and innovation (STI) have the potential to transform and rebuild European and Southeast Asian countries while at the same time maintaining and benefitting from the advantages of the existing biological and cultural diversity in both regions. With limited resources available and a continuously growing population on earth, a shift from linear to circular economy is inevitable and key for approaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), such as the sustainable use of resources and responsible production and consumption.
The objective of the 2023 JFS Call for Proposals is to support STI projects towards sustainable-by-design approaches increasing the resource efficiency and considering secondary and renewable raw materials as the resources of the future and thereby restoring natural and biological resources, and minimizing waste.
Special relevance for the two regions of Southeast Asia and Europe have been identified in (but are not limited to) the field of the bio-circular-green economy; digital applications to support circularity; the recovery of critical raw materials, green hydrogen or methane from waste; and enhanced circularity of shipbuilding through recycling, reuse and repair. With the climate crisis being one of the most relevant global concerns nowadays, technologies towards net zero carbon emissions (carbon capture technologies and the utilisation of greenhouse gases such as CH4 or CO2 to produce synthetic fuels or fine chemicals) and the integration of agriculture (water-related projects shall not be funded, e.g. irrigation) and food security into the circular economy are also important aspects.
2. Clean, Accessible and Secure Energy Supply:
In the pursuit of a sustainable future, a spectrum of cutting-edge technologies converges to establish a clean, accessible, and secure energy supply. Technologies producing renewable energy such as photovoltaic cells and wind energy systems (surface-based or airborne) are crucial to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels. Other renewable energy approaches capture and convert solar heat into usable energy by high-efficiency condensed thermal solar energy systems, and innovative geothermal systems tap into Earth's heat reservoirs for consistent, green power. In terms of clean energy hydrogen technologies play an important role as an energy carrier, fuel, and chemical precursor. New-generation small modular reactor technologies present scalable and safe energy solutions. Integrated biorefineries harmonize renewable resources and industrial processes, yielding biofuels and chemicals. Autonomous energy management systems optimize energy use by intelligently coordinating different systems. Industries like steel, aluminium, cement, and power embrace green hydrogen, revolutionizing emission-heavy sectors. Concurrently, renewable energy integration into high heat treatments and combustion processes reshapes industries' energy reliance. Collectively, these innovations herald a paradigm shift toward sustainability, ensuring a cleaner, accessible, and secure energy future, pivotal in combating climate change and forging a brighter, resilient tomorrow.
In the case of the Czech Republic, only scientists affiliated with the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic are eligible applicants for this financial support.
Scope of the projects:
Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in November 2024.
The Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) shall exclusively meet costs of the CAS research teams.
The level of funding for the CAS teams may be up to 120,000.00 Euro per project (3 years), in case two or more project partners in a proposal are from the CAS institutes, they may together request up to 120,000.00 Euro per project proposal
Funding modalities:
Within the framework of the Joint Call, funding can in general be applied for:
- Personnel costs
- Equipment and consumables (project-related miscellaneous expenses and project-related larger equipment)
- Mobility costs (exchange research visits between Europe and Southeast Asia. Travel costs, living expenses and visa costs are eligible for funding.
- Other costs (Costs which cannot be classified under the previous cost items but are required for the project implementation, such as costs related to dissemination, intellectual property, demonstration, market search, management, organizational and subcontracting costs)
Before submitting the application, please consult with your respective funding agency, which is for the:
Ms. Jana Zimová
Division of International Cooperation, CAS
E-mail: zimova@kav.cas.cz
Phone: +420 221 403 417
Prof Ts Dr Goh Yong Meng
Deputy Director (Research Grants Division),
Research Management Centre,
Universiti Putra Malaysia,
43400 UPM Serdang.
Selangor. MALAYSIA.
Tel : 03-97691248
Email : ymgoh@upm.edu.my
For more information, visit the website of SEA-EU JFS: https://www.sea-europe-jfs.eu/calls where all the relevant information can be found, including the National Regulations. Alternatively, you can download the attached brochure.
The deadline for applications as per the call is April 15, 2024, 12:00 pm CEST / 05:00 pm Jakarta/Bangkok Time.
Milan Dostal, Commercial and Economic Counsellor, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Kuala Lumpur