Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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Transfer of Websites and Emails of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and All Embassies under the Domain
Photo: © MZV ČR / MFA CZ
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Transfer of Websites and Emails of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and All Embassies under the Domain


Following the government resolution on the timetable for the migration of central state administration bodies to the single state domain, the domains of the websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and all embassies abroad were migrated.

Czech diplomacy has thus become one of the first state administration bodies to transition to a single domain for state websites and email addresses. The existing domain will remain functional for some time and will redirect users to the domain.

The key advantage of the single domain is enhanced cybersecurity and legal certainty in all state communications with citizens. Users can now verify the website address to ensure they are on the official website of the respective authority.

Not only from abroad but also within Czechia, there have been known cases where fraudsters attempted to mimic official websites or redirect users to other domains. These phishing attacks and attempts are easier to detect thanks to the domain, and it is expected that the number of frauds will decrease due to the transition to a single state domain.

A single domain for government websites also enhances credibility and user-friendliness for foreign partners. The concept of a state domain gov is not new, and similar to Czechia, it is used in Belgium, Estonia, Croatia, Poland, and the United Kingdom.

Along with the change in website addresses for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and embassies, the email addresses of staff and individual departments were also updated. However, to ensure seamless communication continuity, the existing email addresses with the domain will remain functional and will forward emails to the new mailboxes with the domain for another 10 years, until December 17, 2033.

Regarding email addresses of employees at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Czech embassies, the underscore between the first and last name has been removed and replaced with a period (e.g., the existing address is now For embassy email addresses, the word 'embassy' has been removed (e.g., the former address of the Czech Embassy in Bratislava,, is now The syntax of email addresses for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also been simplified.

Domain migration is a process that unfortunately can lead to unintentional errors. Therefore, we would appreciate notification of any non-functioning web or email addresses by sending a message using this link.
