Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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Ministerstvo zahraničí uvítalo budoucí leadery z východní Evropy, jižního Kavkazu, západního Balkánu a Turecka
Photo: © MZV ČR / MFA CZ
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed future leaders from Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, Western Balkans and Türkiye


The Czech Foreign Ministry invited ten young people from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine to the Czech Republic. The new Duke Wenceslas Future Leaders Programme will show them Czech state institutions, innovative companies and the Czech media.

"Duke Wenceslas, after whom we named the programme, was not only a great ruler of Bohemia in the first half of the 10th century, but also a great European and thinker. He is a patron of my country also because he was a dedicated citizen of Europe and he believed in Europe as a community based on values. As Duke Wenceslas believed centuries ago, borders in Europe must not be changed by force and aggressors must be expelled," Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský said at a meeting with participants of the programme.

A dozen of young people have already attended the opening of the Prague Forum on the Economic and Environmental Dimension of the OSCE, discussed with experienced and young diplomats, and visited the editorial office of Radio Prague International at Czech Radio. During their week-long stay in the Czech Republic, the programme participants will also visit technology companies such as Prusa Research, a manufacturer of 3D printers, and VRgineers, a company that produces headsets used for virtual training of military and civilian pilots.

The group of participants will also have an interesting programme in Ostrava and Brno during the week. Last but not least, the stay includes a discussion on foreign policy with MPs in the Chamber of Deputies, a tour of Prague Castle and a visit to a performance at the New Stage of the National Theatre.

"I believe that the graduates of the Duke Wenceslas Programme will one day return to Czechia, perhaps as diplomats of their own countries, as employees of international organisations, as participants in conferences, or as businessmen looking for new ideas and partnerships," said Karel Smékal, Director of the Communications Department of the MFA.
