Ministry of Foreign Affairs Launches Project ELVIS to Facilitate Visa Issuance Process
07.06.2024 / 19:57 | Aktualizováno: 07.06.2024 / 20:51
ELVIS (ELectronic Visa Information System) aims to facilitate and (to the greatest extent possible), to digitalize process of submitting and subsequently processing applications for Schengen visa at Czech diplomatic missions abroad.
The new information system will adhere to personal data protection standards and meet increasingly stringent cybersecurity requirements. The system will be built on the latest IT technologies. This will not only streamline the entire visa process but also reduce the administrative burden currently placed on both staff of visa sections at Czech diplomatic missions and applicants themselves.
This initiative reflects not only the above mentioned points but also EU requirements to integrate new EU IT system elements in visa issuance and entry of foreigners into the Schengen area. It is also a response to long-term conclusions drawn from Schengen evaluations of Czech diplomatic missions abroad.
The Implementation of the Electronic Visa Information System Project by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – ELVIS is co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Programme for Financial Support Instruments for Border Management and Visa Policy (OP NSHV; Registration number: CZ.14.01.02/00/23_006/0000004; Project start date: 1 May 2024; Project end date: 31 December 2026).